Monday, May 20, 2013

So busy.

Yep, Jon's mom has been pretty busy.  Mission papers turned in.  She will catch up on Jon's blog in a week or so.  Tune in then.

Friday, May 3, 2013


          Monday     4-29-13  Letter excerpts.

Mom:  Hmmm, I’m writing a Dear Jon letter!    Hee hee.  We love you.
Elder Cattron:  Yes, I'm well aware. I get a lot of those.

Mom:  How are things in Chile this week?  How many discussions did you two get to teach?    
Elder Cattron:  We had 9 lessons with investigators, and also 9 lessons to members of the ward. They were all pretty rad, and we even found an investigator by knocking the wrong house and introducing ourselves anyway.   
Mom:  We have a plaque for your mission to hang in the hall at the church building.
Elder Cattron:   I didn't already have a missionary plaque?... haha  It would be sweet if the Lakeside bulletin board was full because all of it was filled with MISSIONARIES. Get 'em all [the Singles] out there.   Missions are rad.
Mom:  So have there been a lot of new missionaries show up in your mission
There are supposed to be around 260something soon. Which is a huge change from the 196 missionaries only 6 or less months ago.

Elder Cattron:   Holy Cow we have a lot of birthdays in May... 

Mom:  Dad says he was going to shoot the buffer with his rifle, but L-n said that might not be a good idea…it isn’t insured for that.    [Just kidding about shooting that machine.]
Elder Cattron:   Hahahah! Make sure you put it on you tube.  Haha, and L-n, I sure miss that guy.  How can I write to him?

What are you reading and studying in the scriptures now? Dad has a new set and he wants to mark it in a meaningful way.
I've been studying a lot from Jesus the Christ actually. I love it.  I'm learning a lot about other church traditions and Evangelicos, and where a lot of their beliefs come from.  Wish I could write more, but I don't wanna be a CHUECO! haha [basically just means crooked missionary]

Haha... There are a rare few that will understand that part.
But yes! Pancakes!  They are gold! Elder S----s and I decided to hop on the pancake train and now we're only spending 12 mil pesos for at least 2 weeks of food.  I have mine with butter and syrup, and Elder S----s puts on Manjar... some caramel like cream stuff you can only get here in Chile.  I actually during the day sometimes get cravings for pancakes, so I work harder so the day can zoom by and I can sleep and wake up to delicious buttery pancakes on our 1950's stove and pan.  We make it from scratch!  Poor kitty. . . How are they doing anyway?   [Note: One of our family cats is named “Scratch”—thus the joke.]

Okay. Love you all.! gotta go.

<  '  )
   l  l

Love ya,
Elder Cattron