Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The month is half over!

Dear family and friends,        2-18-13 
Congrats to Kendra, Meridith, Sister Jarvis, and Sister Getts for being awesome and getting married or heading out on missions. It´s going to be a fantastic road.
To the wonderful K----n:   I am well. as always... cough. I love South America minus the “polgas”. These stinking things won’t stop biting me.  I have a million bites…

I'm excited for I----c [nephew]. Reading is a huge step in life. I wonder if he would enjoy reading in the Book of Mormon........ haha  . Sure love ya'll. Congrats to my brother R----h on his graduation coming up. I wish I could celebrate with him.  I also hear that praying before all your studies or basically anything you do will invite the Lord and Spirit to help you... then you'll progress a lot faster... if that's of any interest to ya.

I can't believe it's already February either. The time goes by really fast. I realized a few days ago that really we only have about 6 to 7 hours a day to work. The rest is preparation. It's hardly any time. And it's sad that we feel that we haven't been using the best of it. I know that's a view in our eyes and not Heavenly Father’s, but at least we know we can do better.  And apparently the mission leader thinks so as well.  In our Zone meeting, we learned that he has set a Standard of Excellence that is rather... inspiring: 140 contacts a week, 15 new investigators every week, 5 people with a baptismal date and attending church and progressing, and if we are to do all those things and are successful, it will bring 1 baptism and confirmation a week. Quite frankly, this is why we figured we haven't been giving our all. But It's not easy, this work. But it's more than worth it. I get to look back every day at where I was and know that it's further than I would have gone in a few months of trying. The Lord is truly pushing and supporting his servants.
Crazy Chilean Stuff: They love Mayo... which drives me nuts.  They put mayonnaise on a lot of random foods, like corn or potatoes.  Sometimes they get mad if you don't, so you have to at least take a tiny bit every once in a while.
Agua (water) doesn't really mean agua... it means soda.  You ask "Can I get a small glass of water, please?" and then they come out with a giant glass of soda, typically Sprite.  Which also drives me nuts, in a laughing, "ok, yeah I-should-have-remembered-by-now" kind of way.
Here in Chile, the “hellos and goodbyes” are (between Males): Handshake, Hug and pat the back twice, Handshake. - - -(Between male and female): Cheek kiss.  [Then] Entonces, you need to be careful to keep a firm grip and a stiff arm so that the girls don't come in for the cheek.  In Esperanza, we haven't had this, but the first time I did an interchange [serve for a day with a different elder in a different sector], I got 2 cheek kisses without warning.  You should have seen our expressions of horror.
New stuff this week:  
            There's a lady who has been attending church for the past long while or year or something and receiving lessons in church, and no one apparently came to think much of it... but she can be baptized... Oh!... eah. That huge blessing that she could have.  So we need to set a fecha [an appointment] with her.
Boldness and courage... yes. That would help. No one is going to hurt you for sharing how much the Gospel of someone they probably also believe in has blessed your life. 
Yes, be peaceable when it comes to religion. If you both start slinging mud, all you do is lose ground...
Tell her not to lose that 10 peso piece... It's worth 2 cents, and I KNOW that the U.S. has no 2-cent pieces.  I’m making her basically famous.   [Hahahaha]
You ate at Sykes? Don't they have live bands at Sykes?  Is it only where the older generation goes?  I want to play for them there one day...
Happy Late Valentines. and the day before was my companion Elder H's birthday.
Did I ever mention that I hate Duraznos? [peaches]  The members here keep on giving them to us, and somehow they keep ending up in Elder H's backpack.
There's a member here that Elder H fixed up her bathroom because he's a ‘beast’, and I played with the kittens and got some nice scratches on me. It was pretty cool, and definitely worth it.  Thom and Ronnie--Super awesome cats, they are.
I think I also decided that I might not get a dog when I'm older.  At some point yes, when the phrase "Perro con Polgas" doesn't come to mind the instant I see a dog in the street.   [translation: “dog with fleas’]
These stinking fleas are eating me alive. I counted most of my bites. I stopped at 40.  Please send the medicine I mentioned.  It's not that they're high priced, but the mission leaders told us we can't use our weekly allowance for convenience things, and I view this as one of those...maybe…it 's more of a necessity.   I've used most everything I brought with me. The vitamins I take every day, and the Ibuprofen, I don't think I'll ever run out of.  I have 3 bottles, plus the first aid kit in every sector's apartment.
 The language is better. I'm somewhat contributing to the lessons that are with members and sharing my thoughts.  And conversation is kind of coming.  I'm slow, but it's still wonderfully entertaining to try to keep up.
Yes, I know I've been writing my journal for them. [my future family]  They're some of the most important people, and I haven't even met them here yet. I often write in my journal "I hope you're listening, because this will help" and things like that.
Didn't you get one of those leafs [that smell like lemons]?  I hope you opened and scanned the letters for [friends] C-----n and N-------e.  I put stuff for you in there as well.  Next time I'll write on the envelope if you aren't supposed to read it or something.  I'll ask Elder H if I don’t forget. So far I only know of one tree and I don't know how to get there on my own.
So yeah, I love all of you.  Tomatoes are still gross, and pineapples drive me crazy. Fruit is painful to my tongue, but healthy for the body.  I keep having to force myself...... but they do a good job here of masking everything with stuff like chocolate syrup or ice cream... hmm.
Anyway.  Time to down load  a couple pictures.
Sure love ya'll. 
Elder Cattron VI

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