Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Conference weekend and my wallet

Conference Weekend

From Elder Jonathan Cattron                               10:08 a.m.     4-8-13
Yeah, They (the bank) want me to call from here.  I'm kind of annoyed because I have no idea how to do a call from Chile yet.  I just realized I know where my wallet "Fell out".  I was getting on the microphone [bus] and looked at my backpack, and for some dumb reason it was open. I think someone reached in my backpack while I was walking and grabbed the first thing they touched--which happened to be the MOST important think of mine.  Sadly I had 40 dollars in there which is not much, but for a missionary, it's quite a lot ... Good thing I bought all my cookies first.  J
Unless they are some kind thieves or finders keepers, I doubt I'll see the wallet again, which is okay too, because I've been meaning to get rid of my wallet anyway and move to a more safe 3x3 inch leather pouch to only keep money and change in.  I just need to find where all the missionaries here get them.

Still have not gotten the box from you, but today we get mail ... so I'll start praying now because We have transfers on Wednesday, so I might be getting sent out of this area and all Hope will be gone, and the package will Have to chase me down again.  I got a few flea collars here at the store though  and I also learned sissies acerca.  [about fleas].  They are things like bug spray OFF.

Mom, you can put first names in the blog, and remove information about where they live.  First names are okay--or at least change it to something and be consistent.  haha.  But if I'm saying hello to friends and stuff, I hope they know I'm talking to them.  LIKE ST--E!! I hope you're doing alright man.  I miss ya, and still have not gotten to write anyone the past six weeks, but I started setting goals, and I'm not joking when i say sending a letter to one of them is now. haha 
Oh. Mom, I just read that you send them acerca them personally [around to others].  Thanks! love you, and thanks for doing all of this blog for me.

And where’s DAN going to serve his mission?

Yes, lost my Blue Cross card with my wallet, but I have an extra--but I guess if they changed numbers .... agh.

Hey, and I think I need to also say thanks to you, Mom and Dad for everything you do.  I'm definitely glad for your examples and for putting up with my teenage frustrations and issues when I was home.  haha.  I have your picture in my study journal and see it every once in a while and just smile right back at you both.  Of all the things in this world, I think that my family is at the top of the things I miss but even from thousands of miles away, I know that I love you and that it's a mutual feeling between all of us in the family.  And I truly feel that part of the reason is from just showing that you care in little bits and pieces each day.  I hope you know I'm working hard and showing Heavenly Father I care by repeating what I have learned from you guys--Mom, Dad, Jared, Chad, Richard, Jamie, Thomas, Travis and Me.  That was the start, and it has grown to something even more great.  I wish I had more time so I could simply type out each of the in laws, nieces and nephews  but I hope that's all just implied when I say "Love Ya'll" because that's what it means to me.  I love each of you--even the ones just reading this on the blog.  Love ya'll.

Our (golden) investigator went basically to conference in Jacket and Tie. He's this 60 year old and  has basically zero doubts--that and just accepts everything.  And started reading.  We just hope he actually prays about it so that he can really know, and not just accept everything. That's how it all comes.

4 Nephi 1: vs 2 & vs15-17 .....” If you are truly converted, you are filled with love.”  Christs love and  Heavenly Father are perfect.  Conversion is a process. There is peace when you are filled with His love ... If You Have the gospel, you are filled with His love.  This is just something today from our staff studies that I liked. 

K----n and R---h! Excited for you! Love you R--h, K------n, C-----n, and I-------c, cuz I do not remember how to spell his name anymore. And R---h good job taking all the credit.  R----h, keep up the good work.  I feel like jumping jacks is counter-productive rather, but hey, I'm just a kid. 
Speaking of which, I've been under the impression of how strange to know this so well that the  Gospel is true. For the past 12 weeks, I've been stupid considering all of my fears and worries about what people think of me.  I began to pray and write down my questions on how to overcome all of that, and then suddenly, General Conference from Salt Lake City comes along and answers every question I've ever had in my life basically.   
Here's my truth about missionaries:
Yes, they are just a bunch of 'stupid kids.'  A lot of them do not know much about the Gospel, and maybe even are less than a year old in The Church.  But most of all, they have been called of GOD  to preach, teach, and testify -  TO DO  HIS WORK .  If that's not one of the smallest reasons to let them help you and more importantly - to Help Them With The work, or help them by giving them references [if you feel They are obedient missionaries who will really try] - I  promise that this is The Church of God, and that He Is With the missionaries every step of the way.  He walks beside them. He is the third, or fourth, pair of hands helping you find what you have been looking for.  What we are looking for,  I promise you can find it with God's help—IF  you receive.  He wants to get them, because this, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, blesses him more than anything else in the world.  ESO promise. [That is a promise.]  And as a representative of Jesus Christ, I  know  That They Might just be a bunch of 18 to twentysome year old kids—But they have the Lord 100 percent on Their Side, and if you Listen with something more than your ears, and see with something more than your eyes, and just  feel,  you will feel it is right and that it is true.  Find out how to listen the way He wants, and Be Patient with yourselves and with The Lord's timing. He knows how to do it right.

Love ya'll. Hope you're still reading scriptures and praying. It goes a long way.
Elder Cattron  VI

Note to everyone from Mom…..    Two days prior to this letter, we received a call from a mission leader in Chile telling us that Elder Cattron wished us to cancel his debit card and that his wallet is lost.  Although I can sign on his account and check his balance, we found it did not give me authority at the bank to cancel anything and that he would have to talk to them on the phone himself.  So, word of advice, now we know that parents should get a “power of attorney” to handle the financial affairs for your missionary while he is gone.  Consider yourself wiser.   You’ve been advised. 

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