Friday, August 2, 2013

July 1st

Originally sent 7/1/2013

News for the moment - 
We´ll hopefully be having the baptism for a young 10 year old. His parents are finally thinking about letting him. The mom already said yes, but the dad is still a bit worried. They´re good people.
We finally got a hold of an investigator that disappeared. She moved back in with her pareja, so... we don´t know what she´s going to do. She was ready to be baptized, but since she moved back in with the guy she can´t get baptized unless she moves out until she´s married. Convive-ing here is a pain. Everyone does it because the marriage laws are so difficult and slow. There´s a law that you have to wait 9 months before you can get married again after a divorce just in case there was a pregnancy. It´s rough because a lot of your golden investigators who are ready to be baptized have to wait a long time. . . 

My companion is no longer with me. He should be on a plane by now going home. I´m working with the other elder from the ward in both sectors. It´s a huge area and a wonder how they did it like this before.  It was just 5 months ago that they received the second pair of missionaries here.

Anyway, I gotta get out of here. I took too long with letters to the mission president and everything. Love you all. 

Here´s part of it. Can´t put the rest because there are too many names of the people and we´re not advised to put them in emails.

Estoy bien. Ésta semana era muy rara, porque habían muchas cosas nuevas como mi compañero saliendo y todo de eso. Fue una experiencia buena, pero siempre es algo triste cuando cambie. Estoy muy agradecido por poder trabajar con Élder V. Me enseñó mucho. Con el trabajo, yo estoy progresando en mi confianza y no preocuparme de cosas que no sean importantes. Estoy aprendiendo más de ser un líder en algunas formas y que yo tengo que hablar más con mi compañero en cada momento. Me cuesta hacer ´small talk´ y cosas así, pero estoy aprendiendo. También este tiempo ahora que Elder O y yo estamos trabajando en las dos áreas, estoy aprendiendo cosas que no probablemente podría en alguna otra manera a este punto de la misión.

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