Sunday, October 20, 2013

The drawings are what me and elder L. did during our break in general conference. I drew the one in red.
I baptized the girl and the kid with the dog on his head. They are super good friends with the missionaries.

Yes. Elder Cattron letter Oct 7th

I simply cannot adequately express in a handful of words how great this work is. I cannot explain nor put in writing even the half of the beauty of missionary work. It is something you must experience to understand.  I invite all to work on those papers or get on it now. Hay que no faltarse. 

Lynnette wrote me this week - ¨As President Monson said, Now is the time ;)¨
You speak more than you know. I´ve been working on my faith... I love what was said by Elder Valenzuela during conference.  He also mentioned the scripture that ´by small and simple means are great things brought to pass´. 
As I said, I was working on my faith, and my hope, and my optimism. I hear that it changes outcomes of events.  So instead of simply doing the work, I will do it with faith. This is what came to mind during his talk - ¨By small and simple means... Are the works of faith and hope shown, yet... great things are brought to pass.¨
Faith and hope are internal. The action is external. If only the action is done, the outcome is superficial, and not as beneficial for yourself or the receiver.  Let us all try to be more optimistic as we go about our daily activities. Who knows, maybe the pass along card or invite you made to your neighbor changed his day because he felt that at least someone was thinking of him. 
You never know who is in need. People are a lot more humble than they realize. It is classified as pride, but from my perspective, it is both. They don´t often like to show their discomfort so that others don´t worry about them. I have learned from the Chilenos how to not worry how simple of an act it is, what comes from it is always more than it appears. 
For anyone who has children, I have learned more of the power of words of love. I changes hearts. It changes desires. It invites the spirit.

One of our investigators committed to getting married and baptized. Doing whatever it takes so I can see it happen. They think Im being sent away this change. I didn´t argue... hahaha
a couple days ago someone attacked them with a knife after punching the mom in the face.  The police had to come.  It´s really trying their faith. We gave the mom who got punched a blessing because she was really disanimated and sad and hurt. I know that this gospel does exactly what the scriptures and prophets always say ¨Lifts up the hands which hang down, and strengthens the feeble knees¨. - (D&C 81:5) 
More than my testimony of the doctrine is the effect that our actions have that we have learned from it.  I know that this is the Gospel of Christ. We are as Truman G. Madsen excitedly teaches - the only church that didn´t get our religion from the bible.  We got our church from direct communication from heaven, and we have the Bible to prove it for us, and the evidence of the Book of Mormon to show us more. 
I love all of you, and hope you find joy in this semana que viene. 
Ciao, Amigos. 

--Elder Cattron

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept 23rd 2013

Hey everyone. Good news. Fruits of the labors have finally shown in the form of baptisms.  They've always been there, but for me, this is the first of its type. haha

So incredibly excited for this family. [Two children] were baptized. Hes 10, shes 8.  They are so cool.  Super fun family that loves to joke about everything. 

I don´t have much to write about other than the Baptizing experience.  Its so peaceful inside the baptismal font, and you can´t help but feel the spirit in there.  It gives me the chills just thinking about it. 
The two kids I baptized are part of a less active family. We will have to work a lot to get them all come together to have a stronger family in the Gospel.
One of our investigators came to the Gospel principles class we had. The teacher asked a question about any experiences of baptism. I mentioned something about an old friend who talked to me after a baptism in our church at home, and I noticed the investigator, look shockingly at me.  She felt the same way my friend did, but about the church in general. 
Seconds after the lesson finished, she came up to me and asked if she can get baptized with the children. I laughed a little and said, no, but talk to me when it´s quieter.
We talked a few minutes later, and we set an appointment at the house she´s staying, which just so happens to be close friends of the missionaries.  She accepted the invitation to be baptized when it wasn´t even extended to her. We are excited to see her progress now more quickly now that she knows the answer she recieved was a yes. 
During this visit, the mom and dad of that family she´s staying with told me that they had just set a date to be sealed in the temple.  If things aren´t falling together, I don´t know how else to put it.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. I love you all.
Have patience. I write that for all things, and to everyone. Heavenly Father´s blessings will come.  It might take 10 months, but you´ll see the fruits, and the countless parts where you helped out and didn´t notice before. 
Keep listening to the spirit. He will guide you. You can´t force him to talk, so always be alert. 
Keep writing me, because a lot of the time what is written is something also happening here that gives me ideas what to do. 

Hey. thanks for everything.


Elder Cattron


This was my companion I worked with before he finished his mission. Elder R. 

 We woke up at 5am to go see the sunrise on top of a small Hill. IT was amazing. 
And this one is Elder A. and I. My companion from the MTC. He´s in an area not too far away now!
 This is a street we found in the other half of the Ward´s area.

She said Yes! Baptismal acceptance.

¡[An investigator] recibió su respuesta!  No estaba en la lección para escucharle, pero ella está muy contenta con su bautismo que va a venir muy pronto. Su familia le ayuda y son mucho mas felices. Aún los niños se están portando mejor.   Estoy bien y muy animado por poder verles in su progreso.  Élder R. era muy divertido y estoy muy agradecido por poder trabajar con él. Aprendí mucho. 

In case you can't understand what I wrote and you didn't read last week's...
A week ago, we challenged [an investigator] to pray about the Book of Mormon with a true desire to act on what answer she received. 
She did it.  She received an answer. She said she was thinking, when all of the sudden she felt EXTREMELY happy and calm. She said the feeling was strange, unlike any other feeling she's felt. Sadly I wasn't in the lesson, but I was probably about as happy as her when I heard this.
She is currently stopping smoking, only one cigarrette, and I'm sure that she can do it very very soon, and the answer she received definitely gave her some animo.
We're very excited for her still, and her family is improving as well, even though they were fine before, but you can still notice the difference in calmness and happiness in the house.  The children are more obedient and listen to her more.  She also seems more sure of herself and confident. It's great.

I still can't put up pictures of the mountain we climbed last monday. I'm currently in a trio of missionaries until my companion arrives. My other just left for home on saturday because he was serving 30 days extra to be able to visit some of his converts. It was great, the time we had.

We'll see what happens these next two weeks, but I'm pretty sure I'll still be here another 6 weeks. It's awesome here, and getting very hot very fast. There was a virus 2 cities over that got in the water, and spread a little bit and the water is dirty enough that it seems normal. A few days ago, we had to stop drinking the water, but we still have to when people give it to us in juice... it's made my stomach a little irritated, but not too bad. 

But hey, I love you all. If you want a cool Scripture, I command you to read Matthew 7:21, and think about the temple.  Whatever we need to take care of to get there, let's start now. Whoever needs the Genealogy work done, let's start now. Whoever of your friends hasn't been to the temple, go together soon, or start sharing the gospel now. Let's do good now. Not tomorrow. Make plans now!

Go work with the missionaries this week. 
Love ya'll. Ciao. 

More news Sept 3rd

"I would love to share about the full story of this... whatever, it all sounds weird in English... woman who is a sister of an inactive member. Their family makes me so happy.  There are a lot in the family. [We found a woman and a child, while searching for another woman and her four kids.  The woman was frustrated with some things that had happened recently] Then we show up with this amazing message that instantly caught her attention and brought her the peace she was looking for. She shows even on her expression, a true desire to repent and be baptized.  She is always excited and willing to do her homework that we leave her, but like just about every Chilean, you have to invite the spirit pretty clearly for them to open up.
It´s a little bit harder, because every time we visit them, I often get a strong reminder that, no, these aren´t my nieces and nephews that are climbing all over us.... haha. I often think, No, you´re not in your house... but it sure feels close to home. 
Just yesterday we finally had a lesson where we could get her to express herself without the distraction of the kids. They went to sleep early. HA! It was so great.  The recently activating sister even shared her strong testimony of the church. It... ahhhh! 
La misión es tan genial. 
Oh and she has a baptismal date for the 15th.  As long as nothing comes up, and she attends church twice more, it´ll be perfect."

I just want to share one more thing. This is the story of a 39 year old lady:
Two weeks ago, she got out of a rehabilitation from being addicted to slightly stronger than normal drugs. She had been doing well for 2 weeks but still finding herself in dangerous situations that would make her fall back again.  Finally, on this day, she had given up hope, and ran from her mother's home to buy one of Chile's most harmful drugs that causes permanent damage to the brain. She had been praying this whole time out of the house for a reason and hope not to do this. . . the 30 minutes it took to find, prepare, and hide herself in an alleyway all while praying put tears in her eyes. She put the freshly made drug to her lips.

This is our side of the story.  Very simply. 
Our plans all failed. We didn't know what to do. We had one place in mind to go, when suddenly my companion said Hey, let's go visit that one member who we met near the church from out of town. 
I wanted to go elsewhere, but I didn't argue because it was a better idea than I had. 
We found the house, and no one was home.
Then we said, hey I have an address in my agenda close to here. the number didn't exist from where we looked, so we searched for someone to ask. We went down an alleyway with no one, so we thought.
We saw her with tears, saw her drugs, and thinking quickly, we invite her to come see the church for a tour.

She explained her side of the story after we gave the tour. Amazed at circumstance, and how quickly her prayer was answered, we asked her if she wants help, and if she would be baptized.  She accepted the invitation.

I don't want to say or claim any personal glory or pride in this example. But I do want you to know that this story is REAL, and prayers are answered.  There are countless people being prepared by our loving Heavenly Father who listens to our prayers.  If we are alert and listen, and willing to do something, we could be the means of saving a life, and in the case of this middle-aged mother, their family. 
Never think that you are left alone. God has made his promise, and we will see it personally if we are faithful.  
I love you all. I hope that you continue in prayers and studies. 

Have a great week. 

Sept 3rd 2013

Tuvimos una semana tan buena. Estoy muy animado por una nueva investigadora. Ella está progresando y demuestra mucho un deseo real de arrepentirse. Asistió este domingo, y todavía está bien con su fecha del 15 del Septiembre.

Con los intercambios, solamente yo tuve ´intercambios´, trabajando con Élder F. Tuvimos un día muy bueno, y encontramos algunas personas muy receptivas. 

De hecho, con Él, enseñamos a un hijo de una menos activa. Él tiene 8 años, y con su deseo de bautizarse, la mamá estaba buscando una iglesia. Élder F. y L. estaban hablando con todos en la calle, y encontraron a Ella y su hijo. Queremos enfocarnos en la mamá. De hecho, también, la hija de ella no quiere compartir mucho, pero quiere sentarse con nosotros y escuchar.
También, una mujer, la que tiene fecha y está progresando, se encontró por pasar por su hermana. Viven juntos. Por causa de las visitas, ella está reactivandose con su familia. Su hijo se bautizó hace mucho tiempo, y una hija tiene 8 años. La familia asistió con ella y asistieron a los clases. El barrio les hermanó muy muy muy bien. Se sentían muy cómodo, y quieren seguir siempre así. La hermana de ella ahora comparte su testimonio de la iglesia casi cada lección. 

Con los nuevos conversos, pasamos por otra mujer y su familia. Tuvimos una lección de Matrimonio Eterno. Quieren empezar de prepararse de nuevo para sellarse. La lección les ayudó a recordar de la meta que fijaron hace 5 años atrás