Sunday, October 20, 2013

Yes. Elder Cattron letter Oct 7th

I simply cannot adequately express in a handful of words how great this work is. I cannot explain nor put in writing even the half of the beauty of missionary work. It is something you must experience to understand.  I invite all to work on those papers or get on it now. Hay que no faltarse. 

Lynnette wrote me this week - ¨As President Monson said, Now is the time ;)¨
You speak more than you know. I´ve been working on my faith... I love what was said by Elder Valenzuela during conference.  He also mentioned the scripture that ´by small and simple means are great things brought to pass´. 
As I said, I was working on my faith, and my hope, and my optimism. I hear that it changes outcomes of events.  So instead of simply doing the work, I will do it with faith. This is what came to mind during his talk - ¨By small and simple means... Are the works of faith and hope shown, yet... great things are brought to pass.¨
Faith and hope are internal. The action is external. If only the action is done, the outcome is superficial, and not as beneficial for yourself or the receiver.  Let us all try to be more optimistic as we go about our daily activities. Who knows, maybe the pass along card or invite you made to your neighbor changed his day because he felt that at least someone was thinking of him. 
You never know who is in need. People are a lot more humble than they realize. It is classified as pride, but from my perspective, it is both. They don´t often like to show their discomfort so that others don´t worry about them. I have learned from the Chilenos how to not worry how simple of an act it is, what comes from it is always more than it appears. 
For anyone who has children, I have learned more of the power of words of love. I changes hearts. It changes desires. It invites the spirit.

One of our investigators committed to getting married and baptized. Doing whatever it takes so I can see it happen. They think Im being sent away this change. I didn´t argue... hahaha
a couple days ago someone attacked them with a knife after punching the mom in the face.  The police had to come.  It´s really trying their faith. We gave the mom who got punched a blessing because she was really disanimated and sad and hurt. I know that this gospel does exactly what the scriptures and prophets always say ¨Lifts up the hands which hang down, and strengthens the feeble knees¨. - (D&C 81:5) 
More than my testimony of the doctrine is the effect that our actions have that we have learned from it.  I know that this is the Gospel of Christ. We are as Truman G. Madsen excitedly teaches - the only church that didn´t get our religion from the bible.  We got our church from direct communication from heaven, and we have the Bible to prove it for us, and the evidence of the Book of Mormon to show us more. 
I love all of you, and hope you find joy in this semana que viene. 
Ciao, Amigos. 

--Elder Cattron

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