Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Letter Feb 25 2013 (with joke)

Feb 26  2013  Monday
Ph---!  Dude, I love you, bro. Happy to hear you're doing okay. Or at least good at sounding okay.
Haha.  Keep working hard, and keep those goals in sight. Remember your potential!

Mom: To your joke... Now there's an example of the power of scripture...Haha  
[joke Mom sent to Elder Cattron: 
A woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church
services, when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in
the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled: 'Stop! Acts
2:38!' (Repent and be Baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ , so that
your sins may be forgiven.)

The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police
and explained what she had done.

As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar: 'Why
did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to

'Scripture?' replied the burglar 'She said she had an Ax and Two 38s!'

Mom –as to your comment: 'I tried to make an appointment with one sister who is hard to commit.'  
I know how that is. It’s annoying but funny.

I love writing. Especially when I am feeling something. It makes me happy.

So far it hasn't rained on us when we are outside. many days we bring our coats, and then magically
the sun comes out and we just walk around super hot and looking like we're tourists who live on the sun
because were somehow cold or something.

There are about 50 or 60 in the branch and a bunch more if they all would attend church probably.
I ignore people when they talk in Celsius, so I don’t actually know how hot it is usually.
Elder H leaves on Wednesday to be District Leader of somewhere in Vina del Mar where Elder A----
is right now. Elder H holds 7 months now.  He has an LDS family and supportive family I think. He
seems to be happy about them. He’s a life member, his parents are converts and he reminds me of
me in some areas, like goofiness, but other than that he's just super awesome. No one I can think of.
His brother and sister are models which I find humorous because he has a photo album and every
member who sees it whistles at his sister.  Then he tells them she's 13 years old, because she is, and
then they feel bad and I laugh.  His Pat-blessing says a lot about missionary work, and how he is good
at studying and retaining information for applying it and not being confounded and also showing others
the truth through scripture.   He's a super smart guy.  We don't eat dinner with people--only lunch.
Chileans don't have dinner. It's called once and it's at around 7:00 pm and it's like a piece of bread
and drink stuff that smells like coffee.  We have a calendar that the ladies pass around at church.
We never go hungry. Don’t worry. Haha
Sorry for my lack of punctuation.  I think the guy before me hated grammar, so he poured milk on the
keyboard.  Our pension [apartment] is on a hill.  A giant one.  And we die every time trying to get up to
it.  We have to sleep in the same rooms remember? On Preparation days we go shopping. then we
go home and elder H sleeps and I write and study.  I love the scriptures. Last week Elder H fixed a
bathroom for a mom here while I played with the kittens and studied ‘cuz the bathroom is small and
I honestly would probably break everything.  We are supposed to do  service every week, but it doesn’t
happen as often as you think  .
We have around 10 investigators, and only 3 of them actually get visited close to every day.  The rest
we stop by and have to figure out when we can come back.

Yes I know everyone loves me.  Just gotta make sure it doesn't go to my head and make me prideful.
I often pray that as I keep progressing and improving Spanish that I don't start to think I don't need to
try very hard.  Cuz I know that even when you are really good at something, you can still progress just
as fast if you keep putting in the effort. You see it if you think back a little bit every once in a while.
"Isn't it funny how every day seems the same but when you look back it has completely changed?" –That
quote is from the guy who wrote Narnias-- I don't remember anything.  What’s his name?  [C. S. Lewis]

La obra: part of the Letter to the pres:
Cosas. Cosas que hace uno a estar feliz. Voy a empezar con contactos. 
Quitamos el miedo y preocupación de contactos. De vez en cuando, yo he ... turned around... para contactar
alguien. Todavía, no 20 contactos, pero está en la mente, y no me preocupe a hablar. Ayer, una mujer habló
con nosotros en la calle, y E´H. habló casi todo. Una pregunta fue preguntado, ´Cómo se sentiría si la misma
iglesia que... en la tierra durante... está en la tierra hoy día? Ella respondió, y después preguntamos ´Entonces,
Qué haría?´... Ella no contestó. Solamente pensó y hizo un ´wow buena pregunta´tipo de cara. Fue interesante,
pero dice que irá a la iglesia en su área. 

Si se acuerda de L----ro, el está esperando su bautismo. Tenemos una fecha para 10 de Marzo, cuando él
volvió a Esperanza de su casa en el otro ciudad. Él tuvo una entrevista de bautismo pero averiguamos que él
necesita un poco más tiempo por algo pequeño porque el tomó té negro en martes, antes de nuestro leccion
de la palabra de sabiduria, y necesita saber quien es Thomas S. Monson... Ah... Nuestra culpa. Pero si el
podría permanecer hasta el proximo domingo, puede bautizarse, pero no puede. Entonces, esperamos y

Tengo un pensamiento que necesitamos trabajar con los miembros un poco más porque ayer, queriamos
visitar A---a, un investigador, pero nadie pudo acompañarnos. Llamamos como 10 personas. Nadie pudo
 por algunas razones.

F----e está progresando, y por eso, estamos más felices. Leyó El Libro De Mormón, y está asistiendo. 

Translation of it ----

Things. Stuff that makes one to be happy. I'll start with contacts.
We remove the fear and concern of contacts. Occasionally, I have ... turned around ... to contact someone.
Still, not 20 contacts every day, but it is in the mind, and not worrying me. Yesterday, a woman talked to us
on the street, and E'H. talked about everything. A question was asked, 'How would you feel if the same
church as ... on earth for time of Christ... on earth today?  She replied, and then we asked, 'So, what would
you do?' ... She did not answer. Only thought and did a 'wow good pregunta' type of face. It was interesting,
but she says she will go to church in her area.

If you remember L--ro, he is waiting for his baptism. We have a date for March 10, when he returns
from his home in the other city. He had a baptism interview we figured out that he needs a little more
time for something small because the black tea took on Tuesday before our lesson from the Word of
Wisdom, and need to know who is Thomas S. Monson ... Ah ... Our fault.  But if he could stay until next
Sunday, can baptize, but cannot stay. So we wait and teach.

I have a thought that members need to work with a little more because yesterday, wanted to visit
A--a, an investigator, but nobody could join us.  We called about 10 people. Nobody could for
some reasons.

F--e is progressing, and for that, we are happier. He Read the Book of Mormon, and is attending
church with his family.

Something funny: 
It is very hard to converse with people in English when you are trying to talk in Spanish with your companion.
Your brain freaks out and just doesn't change to English, or just stops working.  It's happened a lot, and
typically they try to explain themselves in English, which is silly because their explanation is just as good
as my understanding of Spanish.  But I can understand people and talk to them. I feel a lot better, and the
days are merging together to one big blur of happiness and fun.

I love you all.  Don't forget to tell Heavenly Father you're thankful for Him.
Here’s some pictures. I saw that ugly dog again. but he hid behind the car that's always there, so I didn’t get
Him in my camera.  Sorry

Another photo is of a nasty bug... a giant flea being eaten by ants. Thank goodness.  I'm pretty sure that
flea used to eat people. 
Another photo of a dog that was too far away, Pero me parece como Gandelf, the newfoundland.
Another photo of a gorgeous moon that I was too late to get the good part, but it was this morning.

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