Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bon o bons and throw a rock, but walk clear around.

3-19-2013   Tuesday
Hey Tr---, Dodgeball champions!  Figures “we” won. “We” are the best even though you played without me. 
Congratulations to Dad on that 36 inch fish!  Had to put it back…Que lastima. [Too bad] 
Mom you spelled R--a like the black pop music celebrity. Ahaha and !!!! YES! Ecuador! More Spanish!  And Randy got his call!? Yes! What parts does Mission Anaheim cover?  He'll probably still find loads of people who speak English and Spanish or pretend only to speak Spanish.
Thieves of opportunity.  If there's something able to be stolen without a fight, they'll do it without hesitation.  A month ago a guy stole a bunch of stuff from Elder S--s in Cerro Alegre... IN THE CHURCH.   Haha. They don't know if he was a member or just some random guy.
We shop at a place called Lider. It's basically the Wal-Mart of Chile. It's super rad and always full of people.  I try to always get Bon o Bons every P-day. [Oh, today we have Pday because yesterday was a mission conference so we didn’t email on Monday.] Bon o bons are these cookies that I had on my first day in Chile, and they are delicious.
We have whatever money in our account for the month, but I spend about 7 "mil" [7000] every week, which is equal to about 14 American Dollars.  It's surprising how little that is.
It takes about 45 minutes for us to walk from one end of our area to the other.  Esperanza is just like Chile's shape of country.  Skinny stretch of land, and it's super frustrating at times because you can typically throw a rock to the next place you want to go, but there's a giant mountain in between, so you go alllll the way around.  I laugh every time.

9:48 AM       3-19-13      1 attachment (1966.9 KB)
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTURf8S462bmdkkeYEfu2ksQPsT1k8Jjs60rxxQru7iyxeGQgqK      That's not what I get or buy, but it's the only picture I could find and still be obedient.

Se dice así: [It reads:] President "Ken-Line."  It’s spelled Kahnlein

Why are you asking about the office address? Now I'm worried there has been a change.  I haven't gotten anything yet, except from Chad and Lynnette.  I hope everything's ok with the mail.  Espero que no haya problemas...[ I hope there are no problems….] (I'm impressed with myself for using subjunctive Spanish...)

The Work! Translated horribly.
"This Week. Wow. What a great one!
We found a family during team ups. I was with Elder Gatica, looking for a future investigator that said they want to hear and go to church. The he didn't say what number, but the location, but nevertheless, we knocked where I thought he lives. No one answered. Then, we shouted 'Ha-lo!' To the house on the left. A 30 year old lady came to the door and mouthed to us that she cannot hear and speak because she is is mute. We 'shrugged shoulders and mouthed back "that's fine, we want to talk". . .We played a game of charades to tell her who we were. She 'said' "I know" She invited us into the house - they take care of this house - but there was not a guy, so we sat in chairs outside the house. We invited her to baptism, but she said no. From school came his son. He can talk with hands. We also invited him and he begged his mom to let him, and then asked, 'Who will be the Godfather?'  Haha.
He has a date for March 31. . . but he belongs to the other sector because they live in that area. We took him to church with a member, and now the elders of the other sector are teaching him. He attended sacrament meeting, and after, the baptism of 2 people.
This experience was something that opened my eyes and gave me more understanding of 'Little things can bring great things.' And I will not forget it."

I wish I could explain in words more about this family. There is just a spirit about them that is so humble, and yes they are struggling, but they are content, possibly even happy.  They have several obstacles in life, but regardless, they work hard. She can't speak or hear, her mom can't speak or hear. And yet they keep on working hard. It's inspirational.  I feel that some of this happiness from the mom comes from being part of a family all with the same purpose.
When they aren't caring for the house in Esperanza, they live in a place called "Las Tomas". Basically that means, "The Takens", because they are pieces of land that people "Took" and started building houses.  They have little money, and yet she takes care of her 3 children, the oldest having 10 years, then 5, then the baby with 2. Martin, Jose, and little girl. Pia.  So awesome. She's one of the rare things in this world that I would call cute and still feel like a guy.  That is, aside from all my awesome nieces and nephews. Love ya'll.

Ok. Not much time left.    Gotta put up pictures on email now. 

·         9:51 AM     3-19-13    Picture of Jonathan Cattron      2 attachments (total 5.4 MB)

9:59 AM     3-19-13           
About the photos:   Chilean Stuff.

1. Pulgas. [Fleas] photos 1 & 2.     3. They have a lot of Modismos, [Idioms] or Slang, or whatever it is in English. Things that only Chileans say.   One of those is "Po"--which is a place holder--like “What's up, po?” or “Si, Po.” Or “I'm right here, po, what do you need?”
Sometimes you get PO'd twice in the same sentence.  It's hilarious.  I guess the English equivalent is "Dude", but it more means in Spanish "Person" or "Man".

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cleaning, teaching, 3 course meals with tomatoes

Cleaning, teaching, 3 course meals with tomatoes

1:48 PM   3-11-13
Oh, it´s my country now, is it? That´s always exciting to think. 
We have no idea what´s going on here, don´t worry. Nooobody knows really. We asked some of the members about the change in time [or daylight savings], but they said they don´t know either... it´s quite humorous really.
I hated when those floor machines would break down, but they do a good job. . . speaking of janitorial, I realized this morning that everything that I'm doing has SOMETHING to do with those nights of Janitorial work.   We walk about 10 miles every day, like work, clean the bathrooms and floors in the apartment every Monday, mop the floors, clean tables, then also the fact that the hours are different, it's basically like I've accustomed to shifts about 5 hours ahead--or wherever I am right now.

Happy birthday to K---, tell her she's awesome and give her a hug for me if you can.

WHAT!  My companion’s name is Elder (S).  Did I not say this already? I'm losing my mind.  Our Spanish is off and on in the streets. We switch to Spanish in the vicinity of people, but generally we talk in English. We feel that the stronger we get to know each other, the better we can work together, and it seems to be working. I keep looking for ways to help him out, cuz he's so awesome. He's super organized and smart. He's bold to the extent that he puts the emphasis that the only way you can know that something is true, especially The Book of Mormon is by reading, thinking about it, and then asking God.  He often says to the people, "We know that we can't truly convince you, only God can. For that..." and then makes sure they know that they have to pray, and we can't force them.  Does that not sound like the truth?  Just an invitation to try to believe, and if you feel that it is right... quite frankly it's a promise from Heavenly Father that if you really do want to know if it's true or not, and you do those three things, you WILL receive an answer from His messenger, the Holy Ghost.  But you have to want an answer and be willing to act.
Please continue to pray for me, but don't worry about me being afraid or worried anymore.   I speak just fine, and the point isn't to speak perfectly anyway. The point is to help them understand and love them unconditionally. 
That's something that I learned a while back and I'm thinking of it more and more - Who should we care more who thinks well of us: some people, or our God who we truly love, and loved us from the beginning?  I think we owe it to Him to stop worrying so much about what people think of us, and start wondering what Heavenly Father thinks of us.  He's always waiting with open arms for us.
The weather is slowly dying down, so the fleas are less active. I still get bites, but significantly less.  Maybe it's because I started not caring about petting the dogs so much and started working harder for the people. If a dog comes by though, I pet him with my planner notebook thing.
I have been ignoring my tomatoes, and nobody has been caring about it.  It makes me so happy.  Eventually they'll stop putting it in the garbage--though sometimes I wonder if they slip ground up tomatoes in my ice cream or whatever comes next.  Oh that really only makes sense if I explain this: They have 3 courses. 1st is salad, then they take your plate and get the main food, then they take your plate and get some giant melon or watermelon or a beautiful bowl of Ice cream. The Esperanza ward feeds us like rich people.
Sweet. I hope they make those bible shows a DVD too. Elder (S)---s and I have been raving about how awesome the Gospel is. All the super rad stories in the Bible and Book of Mormon are just absolutely fantastic. Super divertido [funny].
Yes, we did have caletas de misioneros come in recently  [Chilean slang for groups of missionaries - odismo caleta means a lot basically]. The number of missionaries here goes from about 170 or something and up to 250 or so.  No big deal. The works just progressing, that's all. 
ELDER (G) IS IN MY ZONE! and he is serving in Nueva Aurora, which is honestly about 10 minutes walk from Esperanza. He's so cool.  
I met Elder (F) today. He's cool too. Oh. I'm assuming this is a different Elder
(F)... he's been here for about 8 months.
ELDER (U) ! I love hanging out with him! Haha!! He just got transferred, but he was so funny.  He was with Elder (G). He has about 2 months left.
If you want a good lesson on Repentance, start with Romans 8ish. It’s the last 5 verses of whatever chapter it is, saying that nothing can keep us from the love of God, but since we can't be perfect, we're "like sheep for the slaughter," which is why we have the Atonement/Repentance. It's an amazing scripture that we actually shared yesterday for a FHE lesson at a member's house.

Sharing some of my letter to President.

Sharing some of my letter to President.
Sorry I don't write much about the work, there's just a lot to talk about. So I usually just paste what I write to the Mission president. If I can, I'll take pictures of my journal pages and put them on here so you can read about those experiences. Basically there were 2 cool things this last week
This week was super good! We are excited!

We had more street contacts than last week, and generally we were more successful. We found a family by going through the list of people in the ward. The family we found was related to the person, such as cousins, but not the family it said. 
We testified to them and then we asked "Basically what it comes down to is, Do you want more scripture that teaches and testifies about Christ?" ... The kid we were talking to turned around and walked in his house. We were confused. But he came back out and asked "Quieren pasar?" - Do you want to come in?
We had a lesson with them three. Mom, son and daughter. They began with many questions, and even had a paper with doctrinal bible bashing questions for 'The Mormons'. All of the lesson was very non-confrontational in the sense that everyone had questions, but all were for finding out and wanted to know why we have these ideas. We testified and taught of Joseph smith, and the invitation in the Book of Mormon to read and pray about it. We left 2 books and prayer, and we have another lesson with them for Thursday.
Right after that, we had a family home evening with a family-a family of an investigator and friend: (F). When we started, only the mother was at the table, and she was sad because she thought the FHE would not happen. But "no matter" Elder (S) said, and we did a hymn, prayer, and (F) showed up to the house and participated in everything. When we started the game, a recent convert, Felipe's aunt came and participated. And then, (F)'s cousin for food. We felt it was more or less, a miracle and we left with excitement and happy faces.
Elder (S) makes me laugh a lot and I'm grateful for it. Work hard and really helps to excite me for work and realize that the work can be fun all the time.
With (L) - We had a baptism date, but things happened with obstacles where he lives and concerns of Bishop-rightly so, but of (L) He worries that (L) will not attend if something happens, and lives in Santiago, then he doesn't not know the people there. Things like that. we're going to work a bit more with (L) that we are prepared for baptism, whether it happens here or Santiago.
But everything is progressing, and we like the work.

Okay. Time to go. Love ya'll.
Pray lots, be awesome. Every member a missionary.

Photos March 11 2013

Photos 3/11/13

                                    What stinkin' kids would want to play here??? Do they want to fall?

Sunblock, fleas, and profound thoughts

Sunblock, fleas, and profound thoughts        3-4-13

I am no guero. I'm a crab--the sun makes me so. Ni importa si tengo mi bloqueador...
(nor does it matter if I have my blocker[sunblock] ) but no only a little.
On the days I forget sunblock we try really hard to get in someone’s door. :o)
I am understanding most people now. Only a few people who talk 2x faster than everyone
else are the ones I don't understand. There's this whole member family that talks a million
words per second, and I just nod my head and watch his hand movements.  Oh, or I look
at their mouth if they’re missing teeth. 

No problem with the “Jon method”.  I've applied it to missionary work as well.  It
involves smiling all day and talking about how rad the spirit is. I am not so good
with doctrine, but it comes naturally to be on their side and help them see different
points of view.

Yup. Fleas. These things jump a million feet.  I got a bite on the middle of my palm,
which makes no sense, but it’s the first one that's actually hurt more than it itched. It’s
still there but healing.  I’m throwing them in the toilet from now on.  I don’t realize
I’ve been scratching them at night.  I don’t have any Benadryl, but every apartment
has some hydrocortisone which doesn’t seem to help.

Missionary work: Slow this week.  I have a new companion, and thank goodness
he speaks English. He's from Los Angeles. And if you want to know who to compare him
to, just imagine Elder Sch-. They're basically twins, only my compy is shorter
I think. 

Speaking of spoiled rotten dark people in white houses, I heard some more negative news
from tourists in Vina. It doesn't matter if you want to hear or not, they're going to talk about
him. It was hilarious, and I shared how Romney always prayed before all his debates. They
had to get on a bus, so I couldn't give them anything, but I realized that times like that you
can testify! Why can't missionaries talk about Governmental matters?

New stuff: I have decided that I'm against palta and tomate. Didn't I already say this?
I am getting super tired recently. I think it's the hills.
Maybe I'll send home one of those giant fleas that 50 ants attack at once and take down. They're
as big as a marble.
In case you're wondering, I'm shivering right now... thinking about those things. I think that's one
of my biggest fears now.  I'll see what I can do about sending home a box from here. Esperanza
doesn't really have much for tourism, except the views. 

Of course I've had some poetic and profound thoughts. here's 2 of them.
1. Heavenly Father ALWAYS gives us signs but sometimes, they cannot be seen;
They are in our hearts.  "Thou shalt not fear."
2. A prophet wouldn't have called you if you weren't ready; Give EVERYTHING you are, and
everything you can be and here's one more from my first intercambio [exchange]...
3. Christ doesn't keep secrets. That's why we have The Gospel, and that's why we preach it. Some
people just don't want to see when they look and listen & when they hear.  
I don't exactly have a choice if I feel like doing poetry. I sing in the street whatever comes to
mind. I love it.  Yesterday I was told that I'm always wearing a smile. I find that to be a sign
that I'm doing alright. :)

I have 10 minutes left to write my emails. I want to express myself openly for a little bit about
things I considered when talking to people in the street and sharing the gospel:

Saturday we talked to a lot of people. We talked to 14 people in 6 hours [just of people as we
are walking from our "Appointments"] - Several times, we were told "I already have my religion.
I'm ____".  Often we laugh inside and say, "Yes, and I'm ____". 
But I started to consider:  What does the bible say about it? What does the Savior say to do?
In the new testament, He wants us to share the gospel and especially wants everyone to know that
 he IS The Christ.  So in essence, yes, all religions are good.   So why are we focusing as LDS
missionaries on everyone, and not just the people who don't know Christ?  How important IS
this gospel anyway?  Has it blessed my life enough to stop caring about what people think and
just do what I know and feel is right?

That night I finally visited a house that for the past 6 weeks I have been getting a small feeling
to visit, but Elder H was walking too fast to keep up.  It turns out it was the daughter of a member
we ate lunch with the mom just the day before... and talked about the house, in fact she even pointed
at it at lunch. But I forgot about that and knocked on the door. I prayed really hard that I would say
the words that Heavenly Father put into my head.  She opened the door and we talked about her
family, pointed behind us, and I thought wow, I'm stupid. of  course we know who her member mom
is.  But she said,  "Diga me". [Tell me.]  So I did.
I expressed myself in very clear Spanish that The Book of Mormon has changed my life, and that
I want her to have the book. I explained a little of my testimony of strength through it and the Gospel. 
Without hesitation, I explained that it was a sacred book, and very important. We wouldn't want to
give it to someone if they aren't going to read it.  She said "Then keep it." --and very kindly we
finished talking and said our goodbyes.  Maybe it was the right words to say. Maybe it was exactly
what she needed to hear.  But still I look back on everything in my life and consider how selfish I
have been not to share the gospel with these people, perhaps thinking that it is too sacred, or that
they aren't going to accept it, or whatever excuse it is that we make to ourselves.  I don't want to
do that anymore. It cut me pretty deep, and I keep thinking back on it.

I don't have any more time, so I just want you all to think about that. 
How often do we keep our mouths shut and NOT share this Gospel? A lit candle shouldn't be hid.
And frankly, why would we want to? What's the purpose of having such blessings and not helping
other's unlit candles help give us more light?  Please don't fall into this trap. Just think "How would
my life be without the Gospel?"  Then think of everyone else... who is without.

I love you all. 
Never forget that. 
Heavenly Father loves you.
Never forget that.
You won't ever stop
          being worth it to Him...
--so you are never insignificant.
Never forget that.

-Elder Cattron