Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cleaning, teaching, 3 course meals with tomatoes

Cleaning, teaching, 3 course meals with tomatoes

1:48 PM   3-11-13
Oh, it´s my country now, is it? That´s always exciting to think. 
We have no idea what´s going on here, don´t worry. Nooobody knows really. We asked some of the members about the change in time [or daylight savings], but they said they don´t know either... it´s quite humorous really.
I hated when those floor machines would break down, but they do a good job. . . speaking of janitorial, I realized this morning that everything that I'm doing has SOMETHING to do with those nights of Janitorial work.   We walk about 10 miles every day, like work, clean the bathrooms and floors in the apartment every Monday, mop the floors, clean tables, then also the fact that the hours are different, it's basically like I've accustomed to shifts about 5 hours ahead--or wherever I am right now.

Happy birthday to K---, tell her she's awesome and give her a hug for me if you can.

WHAT!  My companion’s name is Elder (S).  Did I not say this already? I'm losing my mind.  Our Spanish is off and on in the streets. We switch to Spanish in the vicinity of people, but generally we talk in English. We feel that the stronger we get to know each other, the better we can work together, and it seems to be working. I keep looking for ways to help him out, cuz he's so awesome. He's super organized and smart. He's bold to the extent that he puts the emphasis that the only way you can know that something is true, especially The Book of Mormon is by reading, thinking about it, and then asking God.  He often says to the people, "We know that we can't truly convince you, only God can. For that..." and then makes sure they know that they have to pray, and we can't force them.  Does that not sound like the truth?  Just an invitation to try to believe, and if you feel that it is right... quite frankly it's a promise from Heavenly Father that if you really do want to know if it's true or not, and you do those three things, you WILL receive an answer from His messenger, the Holy Ghost.  But you have to want an answer and be willing to act.
Please continue to pray for me, but don't worry about me being afraid or worried anymore.   I speak just fine, and the point isn't to speak perfectly anyway. The point is to help them understand and love them unconditionally. 
That's something that I learned a while back and I'm thinking of it more and more - Who should we care more who thinks well of us: some people, or our God who we truly love, and loved us from the beginning?  I think we owe it to Him to stop worrying so much about what people think of us, and start wondering what Heavenly Father thinks of us.  He's always waiting with open arms for us.
The weather is slowly dying down, so the fleas are less active. I still get bites, but significantly less.  Maybe it's because I started not caring about petting the dogs so much and started working harder for the people. If a dog comes by though, I pet him with my planner notebook thing.
I have been ignoring my tomatoes, and nobody has been caring about it.  It makes me so happy.  Eventually they'll stop putting it in the garbage--though sometimes I wonder if they slip ground up tomatoes in my ice cream or whatever comes next.  Oh that really only makes sense if I explain this: They have 3 courses. 1st is salad, then they take your plate and get the main food, then they take your plate and get some giant melon or watermelon or a beautiful bowl of Ice cream. The Esperanza ward feeds us like rich people.
Sweet. I hope they make those bible shows a DVD too. Elder (S)---s and I have been raving about how awesome the Gospel is. All the super rad stories in the Bible and Book of Mormon are just absolutely fantastic. Super divertido [funny].
Yes, we did have caletas de misioneros come in recently  [Chilean slang for groups of missionaries - odismo caleta means a lot basically]. The number of missionaries here goes from about 170 or something and up to 250 or so.  No big deal. The works just progressing, that's all. 
ELDER (G) IS IN MY ZONE! and he is serving in Nueva Aurora, which is honestly about 10 minutes walk from Esperanza. He's so cool.  
I met Elder (F) today. He's cool too. Oh. I'm assuming this is a different Elder
(F)... he's been here for about 8 months.
ELDER (U) ! I love hanging out with him! Haha!! He just got transferred, but he was so funny.  He was with Elder (G). He has about 2 months left.
If you want a good lesson on Repentance, start with Romans 8ish. It’s the last 5 verses of whatever chapter it is, saying that nothing can keep us from the love of God, but since we can't be perfect, we're "like sheep for the slaughter," which is why we have the Atonement/Repentance. It's an amazing scripture that we actually shared yesterday for a FHE lesson at a member's house.

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