Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

·         Christmas‏
Jonathan Cattron    3:28 PM     12/25/2012 everyone.
    Quickly thinking abstractly, and focusing on the word Christmas - I'm going Spanish speaking, which makes me think of the "mas" part of Christmas.  Christ is the focus of the Gospel and Plan of God, and during Christmas, we tend to think even more about our Savior.
The presidency of the MTC has asked us to write home about our feelings of Christmas and our thoughts on the reason of Christ[mas].
     It's very interesting how often we tend to forget about the Savior and the blessing we receive from the Atonement—the sacrifice that Christ made for us both suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross, in our day to day life.  Being here in the MTC, I have realized that I haven't been as grateful as I could have been, because now I am truly searching for everything that I can to be truly ready to bring others unto Christ.  Through the Atonement, we realize that Christ knows exactly how we feel because he experienced it in the Garden.
    That being said, he not only knows the struggles, but he also knows the happiness and things that we CAN experience. He knows where we must go to obtain who we need to become.  In these short 6 weeks, I have seen the effects of prayer and scriptures.  I know that we can be shown and feel what we need to do if we pray. I have found support in the exact moment of need through the Holy Spirit.  I know that God loves us and wants us to be happy, but most importantly, wants us to have everything that He has.
    I don't have any more time - But I want everyone to know that WHATEVER position you are in for this life, we just need to get down on our knees and pray.  I know that He will help you if you have HOPE, and continue to hope and believe that He has the ability to support us in our trials.
    I love you all. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and think of your family or future family, and never forget who you can become.
    Remember - He is always there.  All we need to do is--knock. I challenge you to pray if you have not recently, or to try if you never have before.  And if you pray often, try it out loud. I have noticed the difference...
 With Love,
Elder Cattron

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