Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dec 20, 2012

·         This is it!‏      Jonathan Cattron     2:17 PM    Dec 20th   2012 
    Oh boy, this has been an eventful 170 hours since the last email.  First off, I just want to say that we are now the oldest group of Elders in the Zone, meaning that several changes have been made to leadership positions.  Elder Arbon is no longer the District leader, Elder Anderson is.  Also we have new Zone Leaders, which are Elder Arbon and Elder Cattron. Oh wait. I know those guys...
    It is super busy all of the time now.  I thought it was constant rush before, but now I realize that I should have figured out that's classified as murmuring, so now I'm being humbled.  We go get the mail for the newest district [who actually has an Elder Bednar in it... and yes, he is related to our wonderful Elder David A. Bednar...] and we also get the mail for the 3 sisters who are still here from the older district. One is still waiting on a visa or she'd be gone already... Aye! I feel for her.  I'm already kind of trunky for Chile, but I don't let it distract me too much because I still love it here in the MTC.
    We've gotten to the point that we can help our investigators [Gaby and Belen] and speak to them and express ourselves without much beating around the bush from lack of vocabulary.  And we have another baptismal date [Gaby], and hopefully one more with Belen within the next couple lessons.
Let's see... I still miss Elder Dykstra. Claro. He's the bomb. Speaking of which I should write him a letter.
    Also I want to say thank you to the Flathead Valley Branch folks for the awesome package and card. It made my day. I ate most of the chocolate already...and speaking of weight, I have in fact gained 15 pounds here in the MTC.  I still haven't figured out if it's always from the previous meal or actually unneeded weight.  I remain hopeful that it is just muscle... and clothes.  Haha.  But they say in Chile, the Elders always lose weight from their funky eating schedules, which I'm sure at some point I'll write about.
    For our Spanish speaking, I have a lot of practice now... It's wild how far we have progressed.  In one of the lessons I taught about Nephi breaking the cords through God's power and his faith and praying in Spanish and then how it relates to our ability to have this same strength through trials if we have faith in Heavenly Father.
    I have a million letters piling up, but I'm doing my best to respond.  I hope everyone can have patience while I am obedient and make sure work comes first.
    I also want to give a million thank you's to MOM for the pillow cases. They're rad.   Naturally, I'm going to be using the “Chicken” one-- like every day.
Trav! Love you, my brother! Thanks for the “ DearElder” letter.  Glad to hear about the things that are going on.  I would love basically any picture that's appropriate for the MTC.  Super Heros are fine, just as long as I wouldn't be embarrassed to explain them to President Swenson if he came in. Really anything would make me happy.   If you can do one of Raphael the Ninja turtle, that'd be cool.
    There has been a few pranks going on as well like alarm clocks being moved to funny places, but since Elder Arbon became District leader and then us as Zone leaders, we were able to get that sorted out. I might add more of that later as well--I don't want the MTC to sound like it's all about having a good time.
This work is progressing, and the missionaries are learning fast.  I am so happy to be a part of the Lord's work.  Without doubt, I know that the Gospel is true, and that the Priesthood has been restored. I know this because every time I pray, or study, or testify in my heart, or out loud to someone, the Spirit is felt and it also testifies with me.  Never have that doubt, my friends, that God would not restore His work to the way it was when Christ was on the earth.  This I say with an honest and loving heart in the name of Jesus Christ.
 Love ya'll.
Elder Cattron
·         oh wait...‏
Jonathan Cattron   2:21 PM   Dec 20
                Oh and I also tried out for the Talent show by playing my song "Wherever You Go" with slightly modified lyrics.  I heard that it sounded wonderful, but as always, I don't remember.  I just remember feeling good and singing loudly...
Anyways, Time's up.  As always, Love you much. Thank you for all of your letters and things.
   By the way, I need some of the tape that Travis uses sometimes for tennis that you put on your knees, and possibly, a larger, less heavy towel…and some kind of knee pad... I was kneeling for a long prayer of someone and was actually in tears from how uncomfortable it was.
 Elder Cattron

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