Thursday, November 22, 2012

From Elder Jonathan Cattron 
     I got both pairs of shoes and probably all of the shirts. I don't know really, but It's probably fine. I'm just glad I didn't have to use the same suit for the past week. 
 I'm putting a letter in the mail tomorrow since it's thanksgiving.
     I gotta say a couple things even though they're in my letter about the basics of my schedule and such.  -  I have P-Day onThursdays, so sadly all of today isn't a Pday except this half hour right now.  And we also didn't get one last week, otherwise you would have had more than 1 letter from me. 
I'll be here in the MTC for about 9 more weeks.  We go to Chile on Jan 14.
    My companion is Elder Arbon, he is 19 and super awesome. I took a picture of us in front of the temple here but I left my camera at the residence.
We had our first lesson about 3 days after entering the MTC and the investigators only speak Spanish. I know that the Spirit is with us when we teach and that it brings all things to our remembrance. In the letter you receive you will have more about that but just know that when you are obedient and diligent the spirit is poured out upon you and you are blessed.  Abundantly.
     I know that I need to take more pictures but it is difficult when you are so busy. I'm being as obedient and diligent as possible, and it makes it tough to find time for other things when you know you have to study the language because you need so badly for those you teach to know these things are true.  I feel the spirit every time I bear testimony and I have to stop sometimes to just consider how much our Heavenly Father loves us. 
     If you send a few things please put my acrylic paper in with it and maybe a few pictures of Greg Olsen to paint over when I'm thinking.
     I'm glad that things are okay with the eye. [I have 8 minutes left]
My shots will be fine. I will just receive one when it's time to leave the country and also in case you didn't know, Chile is super awesome because you can stay 90 days visa free. Looks like I'll be going.  :D :D :D
     Holy cow I love the MTC. It's just great. Maybe Lynnette will share the email I sent but it truly is a place where you can feel the spirit. Miracles happen every day.
 Gotta go. Love ya'll.
-Elder Catt

1 comment:

  1. The post brings back many memories and almost makes me wish to go on a 3rd mission right now so I can re-experience all of the neat things that happen on an almost daily basis.
