Tuesday, December 4, 2012

[POSTMARK:   21 November 2012  1 PM]

Mama y Papa, Y todas personas y amigos 
Travis, Hanna, Tom, Monique, Jared, Chad, Richard, Jenn, Lynn, Kaylynn,
Today marks semana UNO!  (of ten)    :o
                The last few days have been great!   The MTC is busy for us, but I really like everything that we do.  Today marks 1 week.   Elder Arbon and I are basically perfect first companions.    He and I are very similar in thought & personality.  Because we seem to have similar weaknesses and strengths, we are able to watch each other’s work & spirit & language progress quickly due to figuring (struggling) out what works best in communicating.  We are both very quiet when thinking so it’s hard to tell what is happening & the other is thinking.
                --We got our first commitment to be baptized!  Ana is a mother of 5 children & Evangelist.  She (today) agreed t be baptized on Dec. 16 &….the lesson was….powerful.
Never forget the blessings of the Spirit & Always desire to find them through faith, diligence, and worthiness.
                I know that the Gospel is true and that we are all searching for the things of Christ.  The Gospel HAS been restored.  I know that if you pray in faith to know if it is true or that the Book of Mormon is true, you WILL receive an answer, and feel that it is Good.  I know that when faith & obedience are exercised, miracles happen.
                I know this because I was struggling with Spanish.  In my lessons, I never knew what to say.  But I prayed and asked for the faith & help to speak the things that the Spirit wants me to say.  I did not have all of the words, but I know that the Spirit was able to make up the rest and I was able to tell !a story!...en Espanol!
                I can’t believe it has only been a week.  We’ve progressed so much!  I guess that this is just a testimony of how with Christ, the Spirit and a relationship with Them and The Father can bring all things to be.  Miracles happen.  I know these things are true.
                I love all of you and I know that we can know all the things we must do if we pray & listen to the spirit.  These 2 years will be a lot of work but they will be easy.  Not because I’m not nervous, but because I now know that with and through the things of the Father, and los bendiciones de obediencia y El Espiritu Santo, todos cosas son posibles.

Keep on praying, my  friends.
Heavenly Father loves you and
Wants you to have a relationship with Him.
Otra vez, Yo dijo, “Les Amo!”  : )
                                                                                      Elder Cattron
                                                                                      (Ell – dare-eh  Caht – throne)
PS:  (Note: Can I get some or all of my acrylic paper?)
                [Elder Cattron added a piece of paper with the following riddle:]
I wrote this in the shower one day thinking about riddles and Jesus’ Parable (metaphor) of riches.
Write me!  Tell me if you think you know!  (There are 2 answers.)

To feel the end of me
Is never wanted to have been,
And through me, many
Eyes have seen.
For me, many men have sook
(But rarely find)

But the one eye
That have I….
Could never be to look.

What am I?

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