Monday, January 21, 2013

First week in Chile!

Chadlykizzlets! Thanks for the email.  I am really learning that what you said “es verdadero (is true).”  Yesterday was my AHA! moment where I got over the newbie fever of not being able to speak the language and just talk to people, and laugh with them at my tiny Spanish vocabulary.  I am picking up quickly, but these Chileans speak so stinking fast and leave out 90 percent of the syllables, it´s nuts.  [It´s kind of like in English “Immonago to the store" (“I am going to go” to the store.”)] And then they laugh because I don't understand when 5 words are violently mashed together in their amazing speed of talking. Soon... very soon....... 

Mom, Dad, and Everyone - This week I realized that one of the reasons I was sent here to Chile is FOR that reason. I hate not understanding, and not being understood. I have a general fear of it, just like my fear of talking on the phone. Which yes, even after calling the Branch President and  Zone Leader at least 4 times a week, I still hate talking on the phone. But at least right now I have an excuse to be confused because I'm learning the language. 
This email is starting to sound rather whiney - So I'm going to stop real quick and say also "YES CHILE IS THE PERFECT PLACE FOR ME."  The Prophets and Church leaders really know what they're doing. I wrote in my journal the other day "With all this that's happening, I'm feeling stressed. But somehow I can't seem to get over the feeling of how easy it is going to be to love these people." ...They're absolutely beautiful in heart and appearance to me. It's like something about them just makes me smile.
And all these dogs! What in the world?! It's nuts! The ONLY thing I really hate about this place is how I can't pet the dogs because most of the street ones have fleas. Especially the ones that look like Chewbacca, (which is surprisingly about 1 in every 10 dogs you see, and there are a lot of dogs). And when I say Chewbacca, I mean hair, face, body, teeth—and there are other dogs that look like super angry Ewoks.  (Why is everything about Star Wars right now?)

So yeah. Chile is rad. The people are wonderful, and the language is coming along beautifully.  Yesterday was an amazing day.  My companion Elder H and I spoke in Church (wow! my first Sunday! Haha) and I just had to share a scripture and a little about myself and my testimony. I didn't prepare anything until I got there.  I had the impression to share the story of Ammon and his first conversation with King Lamoni—how he would serve them (quote) "perhaps until the day I die".  Of course I'm not going to die here, but essentially, if I ended up spending my whole two years here in this first area, I would be just as happy.  Actually probably more, cuz these people in our area [Esperanza, Chile] are so cool.
Then we had a dinner and everything, and went looking for “nuevos” [new investigators]. That was cool—I guess. There are so many hills here.  No - not hills. Cliffs.  Your tie basically drags on the ground... Death... I will come back thinking I enjoy hiking for fun.    Blech.
And it's okay about (-‘s) letter cuz it’s in Spanish. Make sure you say I'll send another, cuz I decided to write a letter, which happened to be another one for (-) during language study class. . . yeah. So... unless (-) wants to learn Spanish...
The weather here is annoying.  Just like (my brother who served in Honduras) says,” you take a shower, dry off, and you're still wet.”   I need more short sleeves. All the stinky dogs keep getting their claws on my back and putting mud on my shirt. Even though I think it's hilarious, I still need my short sleeves. Don't send me any though. I'm fine with my…10 or something.   I'm still trying to move everything in so I can get used to it and ready for the next 12 weeks.  I'm pretty sure this is the last area for my companion.  He's been here in Esperanza for 6 months and on his mission for a long time.  I don't know.  My Spanish brain hasn't really translated the “how long he's been out on a mission” part.  And frankly we work too hard to think of anything “trunky.”  It's a wonderful feeling cuz every night I feel accomplished.  Not just tired.  Completely exhausted, yes, but moving, and accomplished. 
I sleep like a baby. But this week I've had a sickness probably from the States or the 20 hour plane ride with hardly any water. Which was fun ? haha.  I dunno.
Yes. We only walk, taxi, or micro[bus]. And I almost fall over sideways every time I get on the bus. In case you were wondering...
During the flight layover in LA, I called everyone except (J----). Her phone wouldn't answer or something from the pay phone I used. But I'll say that I tried calling about 5 times.  I wanted to call other people, but we went to eat and get on the plane.
I was going to ask you to record it. Thanks. You're smart, mom. Love you.
The mission president is the bomb and so is his wife, and his kids. They're all just absolutely wonderful. He speaks English, and his wife understands bits and pieces of English. They're one of those typical families that you would call "Super awesome." 
It's about 12:52 now.  I'll probably send at 12:55.. .ah!  Pollo!  I need to write the Mission President now...
Let me explain the plane ride: We went to Los Angeles, called some family members, got on the plane, stopped in PERU, then switched planes again, and ended in Santiago, Chile. During this 20 hours, I had probably had half a glass of water. And the air was super dry, and I cried in my head the whole time. I studied a lot though.
But let me explain my first impression of Chile: it was super dark, couldn't see anything past my eyelids.  Yes, I slept the whole way from Peru.  But we did get to take a picture of us in front of Vina [Vina del Mar, Chile]. 
Then as tradition, they gave for each MTC companionship a Book of Mormon, a contact card, and said, "Here's the Mission Home address.   We'll see you there. Don't have the Book of Mormon with you when you get there. Come with the person's information. Love you. Listos,”        Ya!
Did my suitcases arrive with me?  We prayed for the suitcases to work. They did. Both mine were pretty good.   
We have lots of goals and stuff for this week. The mission goal is one baptism a month. It's possible. Elder H. has had 4 in one month a couple times. He’s a hard worker—always.
Sorry. Most of these questions you asked I don't know the answers yet--but there are a few Elders and sisters serving near us.  The only couples serving are in the mission home as... nutrition... and ... I don't remember what else they do.   Honestamente, no me importa mucho. (It's not very important to me yet. I still have to get used to this first.) 
We just had a baptism in the area yesterday. The man had a lot of faith. He was in an accident recently which made it so he couldn't bend his leg--which as you can assume, made the baptism super difficult. But all is well.  The missionaries are smart.
Tell brother (H----- in K-2) I love him too.  He was an awesome Home teacher, even though I was super shy and not willing to talk back then.
Well when we were leaving one airport, they messed up on my flight plans again. I had to run back alone and print out my ticket on the other side of the airport cuz the machine apparently printed out the Montana to Utah flight only and the Chile flight probably got stuck in the machine. I almost didn't get to go to Peru [the flight to Chile]!

I love you all. I think I will upload some things next week. I didn't do well taking pictures this week. In fact I took zero.

 Oh yeah, and we had an investigator lesson, where the lady was super teasy about my Spanish. But then I said a prayer to be able to understand, and something miraculous happened. I never once during that lesson had to have her repeat herself. I understood everything sufficiently enough to answer the questions, and she told me to continue when I started talking about my life before the mission, and how hard it was to accept that I really needed Heavenly Father to help me, and I couldn't change on my own. I didn't know how I knew what she needed to hear, but she really wants to change, and didn't believe she could.  This Church is true, and I will never deny that. I know it is true because the Spirit testifies as I speak the things that I know to be true and have personal experience in. Never think that you are alone in anything. There is someone there to help.
Mas si os torneis al senor... [Mosiah 7:33]
Give everyone hugs for me.
-Elder Cattron
PPosted by Jon's Mom.

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