Monday, January 7, 2013

The airplane account in his own words

Jonathan Cattron 
1-3-2013  Thursday     4:17 PM      To: Claudia Cattron     Picture of Jonathan Cattron
Elder Anderson Says "Tell Claudia I say hello" [he's an elder in my district. you'll hear about him from the letter I send home today]   Oh and So does Elder O'Harra
Ey! I get to Email again! Right on.

I will first address things you wrote in dear elders -
I still don't understand puzzles. But I guess it's a good way to practice patience and diligence.  "I couldn't wait to finish so i could put it away"... haha. just sounds like a pain. "well it almost made me mad" 

I don't want sweaters. Maybe I'll suffer later and give in, but for now, I don't ever feel like I would wear one.
Thank you Jared and Jenn for the nifty gift. I have already used it to make a banana smoothie... haha
Of course you love me. Why would I ever question that?
Of course Heavenly Father and Christ love me. - It's the letting other people know they are loved part too that's difficult.
I marked all my socks last night with the pink thread. Still have a bunch of other stuff to mark though.

Okay. My stuff.
First - My thanks - Thank you dad, for the great letter of things to remember and to do. It's hard for me to read cursive at times, but that's good because then each word is considered as I read.

Airplane story..... Sigh... alright:
So it starts with me sitting for the regularly scheduled hour long wait to get on the plane to Utah.  I was bored, so I started writing in my journal. Then I decided I should probably use the bathrooms that are for people who aren't claustrophobic - Aka, the Airport Bathrooms.  I was in the bathroom, having a wonderful time trying not to get my suit touching anything and my backpack off the floor. Then I sat for a few minutes in wonderful pondering where I heard some muffled noises from the intercom thing outside about a different flight, so I payed no attention.
I came out of the bathroom and realized that it was time to board my plane, and they were loading my portion of the plane. I grabbed everything up, got out my ticket, and got in line.
When It was my turn to say hello to the nice agent lady, she scanned my ticket with a confused look and said have a nice flight. . . something tugged at me, but I took it for excitement.
I helped some girl on the plane put her luggage up on the rack stuff, and then went to my seat. I had only been sitting for a grand 2 minutes when someone was staring at me saying "Um... is this your seat?".  I showed her my ticket and we both confusedly apologized and then she talked to the flight lady, but she shrugged it off and had her sit in the front [of coach seating, sadly].
The flight attendant then started speaking about the flight and introducing herself and pointing at all the Exits. . . She then said the flight number... which didn't match mine. . . and that we would be stopping in Minnesota... I freaked out for a second... then started to ask around. [Hey, minnesota!]
"Where are we going?" I said to the man next to me.
"Well we're going to a connecting flight which we'll end up in Salt Lake after"...
"Oh... um... alright. This still doesn't make sense. What flight number is this?"
They started pulling out of the terminal.
"Flight 5555 [or whatever]" someone replied.
I looked at my ticket... 5533. I started piecing things together. same seats... weird look from flight scanning lady... different flight numbers.
I'm on the wrong flight, I thought - My words weren't going. My heart started to skip. My eyes widened, and I started to scre--- well okay. no. but I did panic a little. I had no way to communicate with my wonderful relative who would be meeting me in SLC!
Finally I said it out loud. "I'm on the wrong flight!"
And I stood up with my things and walked toward the flight lady saying "I'm on the wrong flight."
"Sit down sir."
"Yes, I'll sit down here. But I am on the wrong flight."
She tried to 'calm me' -  "No, you're okay. You're on the right flight".
"No, you don't understand, I am on the wrong flight."
She shook her head and continued her monologue about the seatbelt lights. So I showed my Ticket to the people around me saying "What does your ticket say?"
Soon people were speaking up. "He's on the wrong flight!" "He's not supposed to be on here!"
Finally the lady stopped, looked at my flight number, then her eyes widened and she turned around and told the other lady to talk to the pilot, who then said we'd take care of it.
After several calls were made, and some guy freaking out about 'how he was going to miss his connecting flight, he's already 15 minutes late' and facepalming for all he was worth [and I was sad, but laughing on the inside], I was told that they would pull back to the terminal and let me off. . . In other words - prepare for the long walk up to the front of the plane in shame.
They stopped the plane, and I waved to everyone and blew a couple kisses [minus the kisses] and apologetically accepted the laughs and light hearted "Woohoo! This is fun" kind of cat calls mingled with "Poor guy, how are you not hiding your head right now?" questions by putting a hand in the air and expressing a sad but 'o esta todo bien' smile.
I then exited the plane and walked with the lady who scanned my ticket back to the booth and I found out:
1. Somehow the computers didn't care that it was the wrong flight.
2. My plane arrival time was delayed
3. The plane I just exited was early
4. My plane would be arriving in an hour
5. It was going to be late because they found out there was a bird in the cabin after it flew around after take off...
6. They announced #s 2-5 when I was sitting on the toilet.

On the bright side, I got to meet a guy who was a member, and also this group of guys that were going to a board game convention in Texas.... Maybe you will read about all them in my journal or something.
but I gotta go.
Love you all.
[Elder Cattron]

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