Friday, January 11, 2013

"Yes, Child, I am really here"

·         "Yes, Child, I am really here"‏
Jonathan Cattron   1/10/2013    11:53 AM      
          I was sent an email that sparked my interest from our wonderful L------. She's awesome.  Definitely my favorite sister in law named L------...  She said "I [had] a children's song going through my head this morning. It is called heavenly Father. I love the lyrics. "Heavenly Father, are you really there? Do you hear and answer every child's prayer? Some say that heaven is far away but I feel it close to me time I pray."
I want to focus a little bit on this in this email.
But first the responses from your “dearelder” letters:
          J-----. I'm sad that the bird got shot, but happy that you told me that story. I love crows, and they humor me. Something about them just makes me smile and relate somehow. Maybe because I like to jokingly annoy people... hmm. One of the speakers this Tuesday spoke about the sadness he felt when he was about 8 years, he threw a rock to get a goose to move so he could see her eggs. He threw a bigger rock, and the goose moved, but it landed on the eggs... and broke all of them.  He thought about all the eggs and the pain that the mother felt from her unborn children. It really hit me, because I love animals, and I was reminded of all the times that I have seen animals being bullied, like a snowball to the face of a Cow in Montana... As interesting as it sounds, my jaw dropped, and I felt terrible just seeing it, because I knew then that all animals have their own characters and feelings just as we do. I'm learning more of that and growing more in appreciation for pretty much any living thing...  - - Please be kind to those animals. And don't hurt anyone or any animal just because you think it's funny or they deserve it. And give a cow a hug this week.

          Did I address the sickness of last week?  1/3rd of the MTC got sick in one night from this dumb gastrointestinal virus that made you... well caused issues for 48 hours. It wasn't very fun. I had it and stayed in my room for 2 days. I threw up 3 times, but was laughing the whole time, and I have no idea why.  I think I just thought it was funny how I sounded to everyone else who was in the residency. I also had a very positive attitude... somehow. When we were told we had to go to the MTC doctor to make sure we were getting enough fluids and everything, 3 of us went together, and there I was... smiling like a 3-year-old. Everyone I talked to thought I was just walking the other 2 Elders from my district there. I also doubt that the doctor/nurse even thought I was sick and probably gave me sugar pills or some Flintstone vitamins that looked fancy.
          Sorry about the razor heads. Turns out I only needed 2. They are supposed to be changed every 18 months... I read 8... sigh...
          Mom, I should say I want a few more things because it's fun to get mail... but frankly, really all I want is to get on the plane.  I'm nervous out of my mind, but I feel like I'm ready to go.
          J [R]'s home already? Tell him I'm happy for him and give him a big abrazo[hug], and tell him, "Le amo. No pare sus habitos de la mision. Nos vemos, casa-hijo."    **translated: I love you. Don’t lose your mission habits. We’ll see you at home.)  [**see Mom’s note at end of blog entry]
          I started a new thing here at the MTC that will live on. I slide my hand down the person's tie if I think it's a cool tie. Some of the other elders do it to me just because they think it's funny. It came from the joke "Is your tie felt?" "No"  "Oh, now it is!"--then you feel their tie. 
          Here's something I thought of during personal study:  If by the grace of God we are saved, and we are supposed to become like Christ, then we must also have grace to be saved. Christ went from Grace to Grace......... [Now look up the definition of grace and any words in the definition you don't know.]  It's a pretty cool thought and an encouraging idea to keep on progressing and improving yourself.
          Okay.  Finally to the first point I wanted to make. Heavenly Father, yes, He is really there. And He does hear and answer our prayers.  Sometimes I worry that my desires aren't in tune, because I don't receive an answer right there. Then I have to remind myself that one of the things we all need to work on is patience, then I smile to myself and say "Okay. In His own time and in His own way. I can be patient."
          I can testify that when we pray, if we stay still and pay attention, we can feel our Heavenly Father's love, and know that he is smiling for us. He does not see us the way we see ourselves. He does not see things to a certain point and frown because we didn't make a right decision. He may feel sad that we are not choosing what he knows will bring us the most happiness, but He is even more loving and kind than we can imagine. He wants to help us in our times of need, and even in our times of happiness, and help us remember that "There is always more", especially with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
          Never think that we've progressed to our peak. They say that it is at this moment, when you say "I can't progress any further" is exactly when you can.  Remember the words of Isaiah: "His arms are stretched out still."
Remember the words of Alma to his son Helaman. Alma 36: 27.  --  And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will STILL deliver me."
          I urge all of you - who are at many stages in life - to put your trust in Him, and to be diligent. Diligence is not necessarily working 25/7. It is simply working hard when you work, and never stopping by thinking you're fine where you are at. His arms are stretched out still. We always have his strength and his love, and along with that, everything He can bless us with. We just need to put our trust in him, exercise that faith, and then move forward.
          Place those righteous desires in your sight, and only look back to see how far you've come. 
          I can promise that the feelings that come with progress and bringing yourself closer to the open arms of our loving Father in Heaven is something that can bring peace, joy, and comfort to every portion of the soul.
"And now, O my son[s and daughters], behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions..."
His arms are stretched out still.
 I love you all.
-Elder Cattron VI
[**Note to readers from Mom] -- I got a giggle out of this because even though he thinks he is ready to fly to Chile, he is still just learning the language.  I don’t know much Spanish but had to get this translated because it didn’t make sense.   It didn’t make sense to his sister-in-law J---- when I asked her to translate it either.  I have to share her comment:    J----, would you please translate this into easy English.  I put it into internet translation, but the last part was translated too literally and doesn't make enough sense.  Mom
To: Mom  -- “I love you. Don't stop your mission habits. We'll see each other, house- son.”       He'll find his mistake soon, no worries.  J---- C----- 

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