Monday, April 22, 2013


  11:41 AM       4-22-13   
Ésta semana fue super genial. No había mucho, pero me siento bien todavía. 
Elder S----s y yo encontramos una investigadora que ya tiene un testimonio del Libro de Mormon, y los profetas. Cuando era niña, - ahora tiene mas o menos 20 años - ella tocaba el piano en la primaria, pero su familia se mudó antes de ella podía bautizarse.  Su mamá es miembro, pero es ciega, entonces ella escucha al Libro de Mormon y discoursos de Conferencia General. Les enseñamos la primera lección y invitamos a asistir a Domingo. Queremos poner una fecha éste miercoles cuando les visitamos de nuevo.
Por fin, enseñamos una mujer – P-----ia - que va a la universidad mucho, entonces era difícil a visitarle porque no estaba y  cuando ella no pudo recibirnos por una cita, nos avisó. Pero nos encantó eso.  
Cuando nos recibió, nosotros enseñamos del Libro de Mormón. Ella escuchó a todo, y después, nos preguntó de José Smith.  Ella quiere recibirnos por la proxima lección, pero todavía es difícil encontrarle a su casa. 
y yo pensé en una pregunta por ayuda: ¿Hay algo que puedo estudiar y practicar para mejorar las preguntas que yo hago? -En adición a de Predicad Mi Evangelio. O tal vez, ¿Cómo son las preguntas inspiradas?  Yo estaba pensando en esa pregunta durante partes de la semana. 
Here’s the translation from the internet for the previous paragraphs:
This week was super great. Not much, but I feel good yet.
Elder S----s and I found a researcher who already has a testimony of the Book of Mormon, and the prophets. As a child, - now has more or less 20 years - she played piano in elementary school, but his family moved before she could be baptized. His mother is a member, but is blind, so she listens to the Book of Mormon and [talks at] General Conference. We teach the first lesson and invite you to attend on Sunday. We want to put a date this Wednesday when we visited them again.
Finally, we teach a woman – P-----ia - who goes to college a lot, so it was hard to see him because he was and when she failed to meet us for an appointment, we were told. But we loved it.
When we received, we teach the Book of Mormon. She listened to everything, and then asked Joseph Smith. She wants to meet us for the next lesson, but it is still difficult to find a home.

And I thought of a question for help:  Is there anything that I can study and practice to improve the questions I do--In addition to Preach My Gospel?  Or maybe, how are the questions inspired? I was thinking about that question during parts of the week.
 Blog readers, that question goes to anyone who can answer it. I´m looking for any improvement I can. Inspired questions... gotta improve em. 

Oh wow! Aw jeah! Pres. Clark is awesome. He´s been working super hard, so I´m sure he´s getting a lot of blessings. :o)
"TALL in Spirituality."   They say you reach the greatest heights when praying on your knees. 
Question from Mom: "Do you all have microwaves in your apartments?  I just started thinking about that today and I am curious."  Yes we have microhondas. [microwave ovens].  They're super chunky and old if you're in an old apartment. The typical view of non members is that missionaries are spoiled, and that is false.  We're super poor in material things, but happy as can be. That is a physical testimony that lasting happiness doesn't come from things you buy--Other than Ice Cream.  What we want here in Chile is a blender. We have so many fruits here they're falling out of our pockets.
So my friend is going to The Arizona Phoenix Mission… ah que genial [oh that’s great.]  Send him with some sunblock for me and let him know... well... just tell him he's a ginger and I think he'll understand.  I haven't contacted many friends. I'm not really trunky--I love it here. If the work starts getting boring, I'll let you know. 
Yeah. Got the box justo despues [just after] email time last week. {Mom sent a box to Chile that took about 6-7 weeks to reach him!} 
My companion is awesome. We laugh about dumb stuff. We both speak English and love the Work. Looking for those Nuevos Investigadores to teach.  Currently we are an all North American missionary district.  If we wanted we could do them entirely in English.
Fun Chilean Fact:  A lot of people add  -ITO to the end of a lot of nouns, making it "Just a little" one of whatever they're saying. Un vasITO de agua. Just a little glass. Un Pedazito de una bebidita.... it often gets so ridiculously small that you can't even understand what they're talking about when you smash all the words together and take out all the little “itos” and “itas.” 
Oh, and the conjugation thing here is pretty funny too.  The vosotros (talking to a group of friends/family) form of a verb ends in -ais or -eis.  Like "Cómo estáis?" as in "How ya'll doin'?" instead of "How are you all" when you're being formal. As missionaries, we're always being formal, but the Chilenos use the Vosotros form of -ais, but just chop off the letter S, which makes "¿Hola, Cómo estái?". You would think they are talking to a group of familiar friends, but no, they're talking specifically to one person.  I often get the feeling I'm supposed to look behind me for the group of friends they supposedly have, hand ready for a bunch of shaking, but nope. Just me. Did I mention that this applies to every verb? They often ask "¿Entendí?" which literally translated is  "Did I understand? "  [get it?]  but really they're speaking Chilean and asking "Did you understand?".  But it's alright. Eventually I'll get used to it and stop laughing every time that it's so confusing.
Honestly stated, I love these people, and it's been so easy since the start. Heavenly Father really knows what He's doing, because this place is perfect for me.  Even the fleas have started to leave me alone. I think it's because I've started using bug spray and the stuff you sent.  Flea collars around the bedposts too.    Oh and I killed one flea with the soap and water in a dinner plate with light on top of it method.  Super satisfied after that.
Okay, Now I'm going to write something about those pictures I sent last week.

Few more short emails 4-22-2013

·         Re: Hint:            11:43 AM    4-22-13   Monday  2nd email
Mom: Que honda literally means What a vibe. but it’s the English equivalent of what in the world or that's strange
·         Re: Hint:                   11:44 AM    4-22-13  Monday 3rd email
Cinco mil is actually 5k pesos, or about 10 dollars american.
·         Hi son -again.‏       11:45 AM   4-22-13   
To: Elder Cattron,
Thought I'd catch you online.    Really NEED anything?  
I haven't decided to send the card through the mail.  Could you possibly live without it? Or is it necessary?
We love you.
Re: Hint:               11:57 AM         4-22-13
About those Pictures in last week’s emails ----
1. Trying to get up the sand. Every step brought us forward about half a foot after the sand fell.
2.  Elder Jarvis from the Zone activity at the sand dunes. 
3. View from the top with most of the zone.
4. One of the steep staircases. This is from already halfway down. There are about 40 of these in Esperanza. Have fun, elder Cattron.
5. Little friends we see everywhere. This one felt like a sign, because we found a new investigator at this house that wouldn't accept a baptismal date.
6. Creatures that people have that make it impossible to talk at a door.
7. Try walking straight after coming up these hills, Elder.
8. One of our investigators showing off his new kittens [before the name renewal, this is Daniel Hijo]
9. Just watching some TV from the pension...
10. Oh wait, just the window.  There are often super old guys playing. those are fun...ny.
11 and 12, jumping from the dunes
13. One of our weapons in "The convincing of the Gentiles". Guys, the Book of Mormon is true.  Just ask Heavenly Father;  He'll tell you.
14. THIS IS CALLED TOKIO STAIRS... It's about 300 stairs at an angle I don't even want to guess. Then guess what happens when you get to the bottom. You can't see it, but there are MORE!!! YES! ... ... 
·         *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
·         Re: Hi son -again.‏      11:59 AM     4-22-13
Nah, I’m ok for new. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
·         Re: Hi son -again.‏        11:59 AM    4-22-13
--now.       love ya.
·         *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
Some days on the mission are like this.‏     12:01 PM      4-22-13     

·         At Daniel Hijo's house. They’re so awesome‏.  12:04 PM     4-22-13          
                                  Love it!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I have your wallet. It's a little wet.....

Yo tengo su billetera. Est'a un poco mojado..  
4-15-13 Monday  12:59 PM               

J----d,   Our preparation (P-day) is on Mondays, typically.  Last week we had a missionary meeting on  Monday, so we had P-day on Tuesday. It was an interesting and weird week. This week P-day is Monday.  I basically think that all the people we talk to assume that we're just dumb kids who can't speak Spanish very well. But then I realized that there are people who are ready to accept The Gospel, and others who aren't.  And of these people, the ones who are ready to accept it don't care about the grammar or weird accent that we carry. They're ready to accept it when they feel it's true.  Love you and thanks for the reminder to laugh about everything.   Love ya, J---d, and Congrats with everything with work. Give the kids and J--n hugs for me.

L------e - Thank you for your mail.  I got the letters and everything.  Found the wallet, all is well. :)
I know a few dogs here that would love the attention in letting them ride to school.  Just make sure you wear “permethrin”...Love ya, L------e. Hugs for the kids and C---dly.

K----n! Thank you! I've never thought of that before. It tells us in our manuals to pray to have help in overcoming temptation, but temptation in the form of doubting yourself is a new thought to me. Thank you. 
They may be waiting the fall from the foundation-less building, but we just hope that we are there to catch them and help them up.  We might not all be related closely and directly in this world, but we are all a family from our Heavenly Father. This is something that took me 20 years and a few months in the mission to understand. They are family, and for that, regardless of them yelling in your face you still love them enough to take it with a smile and hope they are ready to listen at some point.    Love ya, K-----n, Hugs for Wichaud and da Kids.

D----is' family is moving to Utah? Okay that does it. I´m moving to Utah.   Hahaha.  ¡spfluufft!
HAHA! Hyperspace! If only it were so easy. Driving in a snowstorm is totally like the animation to Star Wars.

Okay, here's the story about me losing my wallet. It's rather pathetic:
I realized on a Friday that I lost my wallet.  On Saturday at the General Conference meeting, I told my District leader and he told me to call Elder Boss and do all that cancelling stuff.  We canceled the card on P-day Monday at 3pm, and returned to our apartment.  Less than 2 hours later our Mission Leader called and said "Ey, Elder Cattron, yo tengo su billetera. Est'a un poco mojado, pero vengan a buscarlo." [I have your wallet.  It’s a little wet, but you can come get it.]  We soon figured out that he found it in his washing machine. Que honda?  [Note from Mom: Readers, I can’t figure out this translation…you’re on your own on that word.]   Yes, I was outraged about getting my wallet from the washer but I laughed super hard about how things turned out.  I didn't really worry that much about any of it.  I figured as long as I keep being obedient and focused on what I should, things would be okay.  And they did.  :)   I'm still confused how it got there though. 'Hey, falto cinco mil!'  [lacking five thousand “about 40 dollars”].

Missionary letter:
Estamos muy agradecidos por esta semana. Estábamos trabajando en Esperanza sin tener mucho éxito a las puertas por como 3 días de caminar sin estar recibido. E´G---ca le dijo a mi compañero durante intercambios que si pudiéramos cambiar algunas maneras de encontrar, algo pueda pasar diferente. Cambiamos esto durante nuestros planes. Buscamos nombres en las carpetas de área de años pasados, y antiguos, futuros, etc., y de eso, encontramos ocho nuevos en los primeros dos o tres días.
Ya hemos enseñado 2 de ellos--una familia de cuatro y una mujer que es Católica. Con la mujer, enseñamos el plan de salvación, y tratamos de poner una fecha, pero ella dijo que no. Le preguntamos a ella de eso, y dijo que ya se bautizó, y no quiere cambiar. Vamos a enseñar la primera lección la próxima vez, enfocando en el sacerdocio autoridad, tratar de poner un fecha de nuevo.
Con la familia, enseñamos de El Libro de Mormón, les comprometemos a leerlo, y preguntar. Esperamos que lo hagan. Tenemos que esperar por nuestro próximo visita en una semana porque están en viaje ahora. 
Ésta semana, me dí cuenta de una modelo en las historias y escrituras de los miembros, profetas, y especialmente de Jesucristo. En cuenta de la apostasía y cosas pequeñas en cada dispensación y aún en cada pedazo de tiempo. Hay muchas personas en la vida de cada miembro. Las personas a veces rechacen las otras personas que están siguiendo al Evangelio de Jesucristo. La persona tiene que enfocar que es más importante que siguen el evangelio que gustar las personas con algo diferente que la verdad. Sabemos nuestro propósito como misioneros, y como Jesucristo, Jose Smith, Moises, y muchas otras personas y profetas, deberíamos buscar lo que es importante en los ojos de Dios. Yo estaba pensando en eso, y estoy tratando de mejorar en esta área para hacer y trabajar mejor.

Here’s the translation:  We are grateful for this week.  We were working for 3 days contacting without success.  Elder G---a  traded with my companion to find ways to change up what we were doing hoping something would be more successful.  We looked in past area books and from that we found eight new ones in the first two or three days. 
We have taught two of them.  One is a family of four and a woman of a strong religion here.   She didn’t commit to a baptism date.  She said she was already baptized and wouldn’t change.  We will teach the first lesson the next time, focusing on authority and try to set a date. 
With that family, we will teach about The Book of Mormon, the promise we receive if we read it and ask if it is true.  We hope they do.  We have to wait for our next visit in a week because they are on tour now.
This week, I noticed a pattern in the stories and writings of members, prophets, and especially of Jesus Christ in connection with the Apostasy.  It is the small things that matter in every dispensation and still today.  There are many people who influence the life of each member.  People sometimes reject others who are following the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  People have to focus on the truth and It’s more important to focus on the truth of the gospel than following other people.  As missionaries we know it is important to look for what is important in God’s eyes, just as Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, Moses, and many other prophets did.   I was thinking about that, and I'm trying to focus more on this and to improve my work in this area. 

 I challenge everyone to read scriptures and then post what sticks out to you on Facebook, then finish with a testimony!

Elder Cattron,  Love you all. Here's some pictures. 

And verily I say that ye are they of whom I said: I have other sheep that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice and there will be one flock and one shepherd.
Note from Mom:  Haha, without the Spanish translation keyboard to get the "ñ" for "rebaño y un pasto
r." translated to this:  And verily I say unto you that ye are they of whom I said: I have other sheep that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there will be a radish and a pastor.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Conference weekend and my wallet

Conference Weekend

From Elder Jonathan Cattron                               10:08 a.m.     4-8-13
Yeah, They (the bank) want me to call from here.  I'm kind of annoyed because I have no idea how to do a call from Chile yet.  I just realized I know where my wallet "Fell out".  I was getting on the microphone [bus] and looked at my backpack, and for some dumb reason it was open. I think someone reached in my backpack while I was walking and grabbed the first thing they touched--which happened to be the MOST important think of mine.  Sadly I had 40 dollars in there which is not much, but for a missionary, it's quite a lot ... Good thing I bought all my cookies first.  J
Unless they are some kind thieves or finders keepers, I doubt I'll see the wallet again, which is okay too, because I've been meaning to get rid of my wallet anyway and move to a more safe 3x3 inch leather pouch to only keep money and change in.  I just need to find where all the missionaries here get them.

Still have not gotten the box from you, but today we get mail ... so I'll start praying now because We have transfers on Wednesday, so I might be getting sent out of this area and all Hope will be gone, and the package will Have to chase me down again.  I got a few flea collars here at the store though  and I also learned sissies acerca.  [about fleas].  They are things like bug spray OFF.

Mom, you can put first names in the blog, and remove information about where they live.  First names are okay--or at least change it to something and be consistent.  haha.  But if I'm saying hello to friends and stuff, I hope they know I'm talking to them.  LIKE ST--E!! I hope you're doing alright man.  I miss ya, and still have not gotten to write anyone the past six weeks, but I started setting goals, and I'm not joking when i say sending a letter to one of them is now. haha 
Oh. Mom, I just read that you send them acerca them personally [around to others].  Thanks! love you, and thanks for doing all of this blog for me.

And where’s DAN going to serve his mission?

Yes, lost my Blue Cross card with my wallet, but I have an extra--but I guess if they changed numbers .... agh.

Hey, and I think I need to also say thanks to you, Mom and Dad for everything you do.  I'm definitely glad for your examples and for putting up with my teenage frustrations and issues when I was home.  haha.  I have your picture in my study journal and see it every once in a while and just smile right back at you both.  Of all the things in this world, I think that my family is at the top of the things I miss but even from thousands of miles away, I know that I love you and that it's a mutual feeling between all of us in the family.  And I truly feel that part of the reason is from just showing that you care in little bits and pieces each day.  I hope you know I'm working hard and showing Heavenly Father I care by repeating what I have learned from you guys--Mom, Dad, Jared, Chad, Richard, Jamie, Thomas, Travis and Me.  That was the start, and it has grown to something even more great.  I wish I had more time so I could simply type out each of the in laws, nieces and nephews  but I hope that's all just implied when I say "Love Ya'll" because that's what it means to me.  I love each of you--even the ones just reading this on the blog.  Love ya'll.

Our (golden) investigator went basically to conference in Jacket and Tie. He's this 60 year old and  has basically zero doubts--that and just accepts everything.  And started reading.  We just hope he actually prays about it so that he can really know, and not just accept everything. That's how it all comes.

4 Nephi 1: vs 2 & vs15-17 .....” If you are truly converted, you are filled with love.”  Christs love and  Heavenly Father are perfect.  Conversion is a process. There is peace when you are filled with His love ... If You Have the gospel, you are filled with His love.  This is just something today from our staff studies that I liked. 

K----n and R---h! Excited for you! Love you R--h, K------n, C-----n, and I-------c, cuz I do not remember how to spell his name anymore. And R---h good job taking all the credit.  R----h, keep up the good work.  I feel like jumping jacks is counter-productive rather, but hey, I'm just a kid. 
Speaking of which, I've been under the impression of how strange to know this so well that the  Gospel is true. For the past 12 weeks, I've been stupid considering all of my fears and worries about what people think of me.  I began to pray and write down my questions on how to overcome all of that, and then suddenly, General Conference from Salt Lake City comes along and answers every question I've ever had in my life basically.   
Here's my truth about missionaries:
Yes, they are just a bunch of 'stupid kids.'  A lot of them do not know much about the Gospel, and maybe even are less than a year old in The Church.  But most of all, they have been called of GOD  to preach, teach, and testify -  TO DO  HIS WORK .  If that's not one of the smallest reasons to let them help you and more importantly - to Help Them With The work, or help them by giving them references [if you feel They are obedient missionaries who will really try] - I  promise that this is The Church of God, and that He Is With the missionaries every step of the way.  He walks beside them. He is the third, or fourth, pair of hands helping you find what you have been looking for.  What we are looking for,  I promise you can find it with God's help—IF  you receive.  He wants to get them, because this, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, blesses him more than anything else in the world.  ESO promise. [That is a promise.]  And as a representative of Jesus Christ, I  know  That They Might just be a bunch of 18 to twentysome year old kids—But they have the Lord 100 percent on Their Side, and if you Listen with something more than your ears, and see with something more than your eyes, and just  feel,  you will feel it is right and that it is true.  Find out how to listen the way He wants, and Be Patient with yourselves and with The Lord's timing. He knows how to do it right.

Love ya'll. Hope you're still reading scriptures and praying. It goes a long way.
Elder Cattron  VI

Note to everyone from Mom…..    Two days prior to this letter, we received a call from a mission leader in Chile telling us that Elder Cattron wished us to cancel his debit card and that his wallet is lost.  Although I can sign on his account and check his balance, we found it did not give me authority at the bank to cancel anything and that he would have to talk to them on the phone himself.  So, word of advice, now we know that parents should get a “power of attorney” to handle the financial affairs for your missionary while he is gone.  Consider yourself wiser.   You’ve been advised. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

I still have my arm.

I still have my arm.
Tom! Thanks for the note. I Love you.  Interesting thought.  “DO GOOD.  BE GOOD.  DON‘T WASTE A MOMENT.”   A lot of time I spent is thinking, but somehow I´ve never thought of that... Thanks brother!  I will figure out something.   I’m working hard, I promise.  I love you and Monique.  I started writing a letter to the both of you, but I lost it somewhere in my luggage.  It´s hard to write these days except for mail. I try though.

Mom. I love you.  I´m not sure what kind of new scripture books Dad got, but definitely if you're walking in the street all day, I hope they're not too heavy.   All this hiking is very tiring here in Chile, but then again, Chile is just a bunch of mountains they call hills.

I think the oils my companion’s mother sent might have helped if I wasn't so delicious to the fleas. But I did get some Raid that I'm keeping even if I get transferred.  I sprayed the apartment corners and my mattress. I'm so tempted to just spray it all over my body and clothes.  I had an attack of fleas last night during a lesson --just with a member, but still-- and he started laughing at me squirming and trying not to itch my arms and legs. My jacket is way too heavy, and then when we walk everywhere it starts to warm up my whole body and make every pikadura [flea bite] itch a lot.

I did intercampus [team ups] with Elder G-------g. [We finally got our district changed so that we don't have to travel 3 hours every week just to go to district meeting, when the other district is 15 minutes away on foot.]  Those were great. We found a lot of people to visit later, but only 2 have come of it. There is another that has a Book of Mormon, but we can never seem to find him at his house.
We have a new investigator that is progressing like a golden. He attended church yesterday as soon as he got off work - which was about the last 5 minutes of it, but at least he tried. He has been reading a lot, and when we leave him with a few verses to read, he 'gets distracted' and goes on to read the whole chapter.  So we had him start reading from the beginning so he can 'forget to only read the few verses' as often as he wants.   We are VERY excited for this guy.
Another investigator named N-----n started meeting with us. The first time we knocked his door, he was right there and didn't look at us, just kept working on his electrical box inside. We introduced ourselves and he started talking about his electricity.  It wasn't working.  We were in a hurry, so, to be brief, we said a prayer with him and prayed for his electricity to function again, and then we left.  Two days later, we came back, and the first few things he says is about his electricity.  He flips on the switch, and the light turns on.  YES!  Another prayer answered.  So in thanks to Heavenly Father, we taught him the Restoration.  We had a lesson 2 days later, but it was focused on infants not needing baptism. We invited him to pray about it, and even prayed with him about it.

About the dog bite, I'm totally okay. I lost an arm, but I still have my other, so it's all okay.   Weather is too cold for short sleeve without confused looks from people on the street, but too hot for my jacket.  Either way, it's quite humorous.

EASTER? EL PAZCO!  Ha! For a missionary, it's still work. The people do basically the same things that us Americans do--Paint eggs, hang out with family. yeah yeah.  BUT! we had a really hard day, which drove us nuts because we had a lot of citas [appointments], but it was definitely   something new for me in the mission.   No one was in the street, and if they were, they all had alcohol, either drunk or getting there. Several people tried calling us over "offering gifts to the men of God", but as most of us know as missionaries in Chile, when they call you over obnoxiously, they're not going to listen, and some of them want to distract you while their friends rummage through your backpack for cool stuff.

Todavia, no caja.  Pero no se preocupen. Estoy sobreviviendo. :o)

Elder Cattron VI    

The picture of Elder S----s basically sums up our Easter. Walking around, wishing people wouldn't give us "oso".

"Nos Dio oso" - Someone we saw gave us the bear. [the bear, as in a bear paw swinging saying you're not as important as whatever I've got going on right now].

German Shepherd Pulga Bomb

German Shepherd Pulga Bomb

R-------, make sure the dog  you decide to get  isn´t Chilean--some of those dogs are bad news.
I hope someone sends me brownies, cuz I´m cashing in all my points today.
Mom, did you type out your talk?  Do you want to send me some of the talk?
Tell C------n I'm super sad that I wasn't there jamming with him at the reception. Que lastima. I would have played with him.
No. I like the news from home, and the talks once in a while.  Just remember I only have an hour.
Today I accidentally deleted everything I typed to president before I could send it. No me gustó.  Super feo, eso.
I still haven't gotten your box in the mail, but J-----'s DearElder arrived today.
Mom said in her letter: "Phppht!" -- I just wanted to point that out.   Hahaha.
Yes this whole groundhog thing drives me nuts. I think it's effecting Chile too.  It's supposed to be fall right now, but it feels like it's getting hotter.   Speaking of which, I started thinking I was getting sick 2 days ago, and yesterday I had to call it a day 3 hours early because I was basically falling over with a sudden fever and pressure in my ears and head.
Ok I have 10 minutes, and agh!  I have 2 awesome things to tell about! Agh!  no, 3!
Okay I'm skipping grammar.
4 days ago, we finally got in to this house that we've been trying for the last 6 weeks, but due to some members being busy on our planned visits, we couldn't get in because she is a single mom, and there's no guy over the age of 14 there, so we couldn't enter the house.   Finally, we got someone to come in, and of course she's just ready to hear everything.  We shared about the plan of salvation, and it went incredibly smooth. She is totally accepting of everything, it's wild.
3 days ago, we finally got to visit J--N DE D--S, and if his name isn't a sign of a humble man ready to talk about the gospel, I don't know what is.  He was just like, "yeah, I'll pray about it. And after I pray, if God tells me to be baptized, okay. I'll do it on the 13th of April. No big deal. . . I do this kind of thing all the time."
It's weird that we've spent the last 2.5 weeks working hard with hardly any success, then when we decide we want to work even harder, everything starts to work together and fit in with ease.  There really are people being prepared by Heavenly Father to hear this message.
Yesterday, we had a wonderful lesson which was exactly like what us Gringos practice in the MTC, but with a little cherry on top. Minus the cherry, cuz cherries are gross. but it was great.
Ok so we go to this house to knock it and this lady comes out and we find out she's a member. I recognize the name from our list of members that we'd been pouring over the last 2 weeks, and we had planned to visit her but couldn't ever find her house. we had forgotten all about her, then we magically decide to knock the door, and oh, hello.  She hasn't been to church in years because she started going to another church because there are too many rules in this, and then she left because she "needed to baptize her baby" in that other church.   She told us she wasn't interested when we asked if we could pass by in 2 days.  So we asked her if we could share our testimonies. She agreed to bear with us.  We shared about how God loves us so much to have the Commandments to help us avoid the pain and guilt and stress that comes with disobeying.  Then we shared about the plan of salvation and how really we can be with our families para siempre.
We asked again if we could pass by in 2 days and share with her. She started to smile and said to come back.  Yesterday we shared with her and met her husband and baby, left him with a Book of Mormon, and he's going to read and pray about it.  We helped her with her doubts about the church and invited them both to look into it.

Okay so finally the big thing to share….   I got bit by a stupid dog 2 days ago! What in the world!?
We knocked this door and this dog basically flew up the stairs in 3 seconds barking, then jumped on top of the fence and reached his head over and bit me on the arm.  It didn't go thru the shirt, but nice... Thanks… you big German Shepherd Pulga bomb.  So then we had to talk to the owner who was angry with us for me getting bit.

Well, love ya'll -- gotta go.

-Elder Cattrron