Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I have your wallet. It's a little wet.....

Yo tengo su billetera. Est'a un poco mojado..  
4-15-13 Monday  12:59 PM               

J----d,   Our preparation (P-day) is on Mondays, typically.  Last week we had a missionary meeting on  Monday, so we had P-day on Tuesday. It was an interesting and weird week. This week P-day is Monday.  I basically think that all the people we talk to assume that we're just dumb kids who can't speak Spanish very well. But then I realized that there are people who are ready to accept The Gospel, and others who aren't.  And of these people, the ones who are ready to accept it don't care about the grammar or weird accent that we carry. They're ready to accept it when they feel it's true.  Love you and thanks for the reminder to laugh about everything.   Love ya, J---d, and Congrats with everything with work. Give the kids and J--n hugs for me.

L------e - Thank you for your mail.  I got the letters and everything.  Found the wallet, all is well. :)
I know a few dogs here that would love the attention in letting them ride to school.  Just make sure you wear “permethrin”...Love ya, L------e. Hugs for the kids and C---dly.

K----n! Thank you! I've never thought of that before. It tells us in our manuals to pray to have help in overcoming temptation, but temptation in the form of doubting yourself is a new thought to me. Thank you. 
They may be waiting the fall from the foundation-less building, but we just hope that we are there to catch them and help them up.  We might not all be related closely and directly in this world, but we are all a family from our Heavenly Father. This is something that took me 20 years and a few months in the mission to understand. They are family, and for that, regardless of them yelling in your face you still love them enough to take it with a smile and hope they are ready to listen at some point.    Love ya, K-----n, Hugs for Wichaud and da Kids.

D----is' family is moving to Utah? Okay that does it. I´m moving to Utah.   Hahaha.  ¡spfluufft!
HAHA! Hyperspace! If only it were so easy. Driving in a snowstorm is totally like the animation to Star Wars.

Okay, here's the story about me losing my wallet. It's rather pathetic:
I realized on a Friday that I lost my wallet.  On Saturday at the General Conference meeting, I told my District leader and he told me to call Elder Boss and do all that cancelling stuff.  We canceled the card on P-day Monday at 3pm, and returned to our apartment.  Less than 2 hours later our Mission Leader called and said "Ey, Elder Cattron, yo tengo su billetera. Est'a un poco mojado, pero vengan a buscarlo." [I have your wallet.  It’s a little wet, but you can come get it.]  We soon figured out that he found it in his washing machine. Que honda?  [Note from Mom: Readers, I can’t figure out this translation…you’re on your own on that word.]   Yes, I was outraged about getting my wallet from the washer but I laughed super hard about how things turned out.  I didn't really worry that much about any of it.  I figured as long as I keep being obedient and focused on what I should, things would be okay.  And they did.  :)   I'm still confused how it got there though. 'Hey, falto cinco mil!'  [lacking five thousand “about 40 dollars”].

Missionary letter:
Estamos muy agradecidos por esta semana. Estábamos trabajando en Esperanza sin tener mucho éxito a las puertas por como 3 días de caminar sin estar recibido. E´G---ca le dijo a mi compañero durante intercambios que si pudiéramos cambiar algunas maneras de encontrar, algo pueda pasar diferente. Cambiamos esto durante nuestros planes. Buscamos nombres en las carpetas de área de años pasados, y antiguos, futuros, etc., y de eso, encontramos ocho nuevos en los primeros dos o tres días.
Ya hemos enseñado 2 de ellos--una familia de cuatro y una mujer que es Católica. Con la mujer, enseñamos el plan de salvación, y tratamos de poner una fecha, pero ella dijo que no. Le preguntamos a ella de eso, y dijo que ya se bautizó, y no quiere cambiar. Vamos a enseñar la primera lección la próxima vez, enfocando en el sacerdocio autoridad, tratar de poner un fecha de nuevo.
Con la familia, enseñamos de El Libro de Mormón, les comprometemos a leerlo, y preguntar. Esperamos que lo hagan. Tenemos que esperar por nuestro próximo visita en una semana porque están en viaje ahora. 
Ésta semana, me dí cuenta de una modelo en las historias y escrituras de los miembros, profetas, y especialmente de Jesucristo. En cuenta de la apostasía y cosas pequeñas en cada dispensación y aún en cada pedazo de tiempo. Hay muchas personas en la vida de cada miembro. Las personas a veces rechacen las otras personas que están siguiendo al Evangelio de Jesucristo. La persona tiene que enfocar que es más importante que siguen el evangelio que gustar las personas con algo diferente que la verdad. Sabemos nuestro propósito como misioneros, y como Jesucristo, Jose Smith, Moises, y muchas otras personas y profetas, deberíamos buscar lo que es importante en los ojos de Dios. Yo estaba pensando en eso, y estoy tratando de mejorar en esta área para hacer y trabajar mejor.

Here’s the translation:  We are grateful for this week.  We were working for 3 days contacting without success.  Elder G---a  traded with my companion to find ways to change up what we were doing hoping something would be more successful.  We looked in past area books and from that we found eight new ones in the first two or three days. 
We have taught two of them.  One is a family of four and a woman of a strong religion here.   She didn’t commit to a baptism date.  She said she was already baptized and wouldn’t change.  We will teach the first lesson the next time, focusing on authority and try to set a date. 
With that family, we will teach about The Book of Mormon, the promise we receive if we read it and ask if it is true.  We hope they do.  We have to wait for our next visit in a week because they are on tour now.
This week, I noticed a pattern in the stories and writings of members, prophets, and especially of Jesus Christ in connection with the Apostasy.  It is the small things that matter in every dispensation and still today.  There are many people who influence the life of each member.  People sometimes reject others who are following the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  People have to focus on the truth and It’s more important to focus on the truth of the gospel than following other people.  As missionaries we know it is important to look for what is important in God’s eyes, just as Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, Moses, and many other prophets did.   I was thinking about that, and I'm trying to focus more on this and to improve my work in this area. 

 I challenge everyone to read scriptures and then post what sticks out to you on Facebook, then finish with a testimony!

Elder Cattron,  Love you all. Here's some pictures. 

And verily I say that ye are they of whom I said: I have other sheep that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice and there will be one flock and one shepherd.
Note from Mom:  Haha, without the Spanish translation keyboard to get the "ñ" for "rebaño y un pasto
r." translated to this:  And verily I say unto you that ye are they of whom I said: I have other sheep that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there will be a radish and a pastor.

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