Monday, April 1, 2013

German Shepherd Pulga Bomb

German Shepherd Pulga Bomb

R-------, make sure the dog  you decide to get  isn´t Chilean--some of those dogs are bad news.
I hope someone sends me brownies, cuz I´m cashing in all my points today.
Mom, did you type out your talk?  Do you want to send me some of the talk?
Tell C------n I'm super sad that I wasn't there jamming with him at the reception. Que lastima. I would have played with him.
No. I like the news from home, and the talks once in a while.  Just remember I only have an hour.
Today I accidentally deleted everything I typed to president before I could send it. No me gustó.  Super feo, eso.
I still haven't gotten your box in the mail, but J-----'s DearElder arrived today.
Mom said in her letter: "Phppht!" -- I just wanted to point that out.   Hahaha.
Yes this whole groundhog thing drives me nuts. I think it's effecting Chile too.  It's supposed to be fall right now, but it feels like it's getting hotter.   Speaking of which, I started thinking I was getting sick 2 days ago, and yesterday I had to call it a day 3 hours early because I was basically falling over with a sudden fever and pressure in my ears and head.
Ok I have 10 minutes, and agh!  I have 2 awesome things to tell about! Agh!  no, 3!
Okay I'm skipping grammar.
4 days ago, we finally got in to this house that we've been trying for the last 6 weeks, but due to some members being busy on our planned visits, we couldn't get in because she is a single mom, and there's no guy over the age of 14 there, so we couldn't enter the house.   Finally, we got someone to come in, and of course she's just ready to hear everything.  We shared about the plan of salvation, and it went incredibly smooth. She is totally accepting of everything, it's wild.
3 days ago, we finally got to visit J--N DE D--S, and if his name isn't a sign of a humble man ready to talk about the gospel, I don't know what is.  He was just like, "yeah, I'll pray about it. And after I pray, if God tells me to be baptized, okay. I'll do it on the 13th of April. No big deal. . . I do this kind of thing all the time."
It's weird that we've spent the last 2.5 weeks working hard with hardly any success, then when we decide we want to work even harder, everything starts to work together and fit in with ease.  There really are people being prepared by Heavenly Father to hear this message.
Yesterday, we had a wonderful lesson which was exactly like what us Gringos practice in the MTC, but with a little cherry on top. Minus the cherry, cuz cherries are gross. but it was great.
Ok so we go to this house to knock it and this lady comes out and we find out she's a member. I recognize the name from our list of members that we'd been pouring over the last 2 weeks, and we had planned to visit her but couldn't ever find her house. we had forgotten all about her, then we magically decide to knock the door, and oh, hello.  She hasn't been to church in years because she started going to another church because there are too many rules in this, and then she left because she "needed to baptize her baby" in that other church.   She told us she wasn't interested when we asked if we could pass by in 2 days.  So we asked her if we could share our testimonies. She agreed to bear with us.  We shared about how God loves us so much to have the Commandments to help us avoid the pain and guilt and stress that comes with disobeying.  Then we shared about the plan of salvation and how really we can be with our families para siempre.
We asked again if we could pass by in 2 days and share with her. She started to smile and said to come back.  Yesterday we shared with her and met her husband and baby, left him with a Book of Mormon, and he's going to read and pray about it.  We helped her with her doubts about the church and invited them both to look into it.

Okay so finally the big thing to share….   I got bit by a stupid dog 2 days ago! What in the world!?
We knocked this door and this dog basically flew up the stairs in 3 seconds barking, then jumped on top of the fence and reached his head over and bit me on the arm.  It didn't go thru the shirt, but nice... Thanks… you big German Shepherd Pulga bomb.  So then we had to talk to the owner who was angry with us for me getting bit.

Well, love ya'll -- gotta go.

-Elder Cattrron

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