Monday, June 10, 2013

My birthday is coming up. All of you are expected to write me. Can you do it?

June 3-2013   11:05 AM
How’s life in the “flat” city.  Is it so flat?  Or is it just less hill-y than your last place.
It's very flat. At times it's confusing because it has no hills to tell me where I am.  It's also a half area because we share a ward with another companionship, but our sector is still pretty big.

My birthday IS coming up, Ma.  Se espera que me escriban, ¡todos de ustedes  ¿Podrán hacerlo?  (ALL of you are expected to write me!  Write to me ... Can you do it?)   (June 23rd)

When you meet someone who says they don’t like “organized” religion, share with them how thankful you are for belonging to a perfectly organized church…one set up by Jesus Christ himself. 
Asi, testifico.    (Testify about it.)

Mom - I'll listen to better music and games when I return home.  Probably in general--Especially after teaching things like that for 6 months.

Wow.  Think about that! I’ve been on my mission six months!  Wow.  Se pasa rapido.  (It happens so fast.)

Well, I haven't written much, but that's okay. I still love ya'll. 

I just want to share something that came flying into my head one day during church when they were teaching about the restoration.  I left the journal in the apartment, but this is the idea.
"Joseph Smith's first vision, even though it is extremely significant and important, isn't actually that unbelievable once you believe even the first two books The Bible - Genesis and Exodus.  Moses in his time was but a young boy when he spoke to God with the burning bush.  Moses himself said that he was weak in words, but we know that he was guided to become a strong vessel for doing the work of God. 
"God came among the people several times in Exodus in the form of a cloud, and even let a few of the prophets see Him personally, whether spiritually or in the flesh, the prophets testified after and wouldn't deny what they saw."

There is a lot more to this thought, but I just want to stop here and consider the fact that we know these things to be true, and often times, just like the learned Pharisees in Jesus' time, we believe the things of old, but when the source and answers happen to be right in front of us, we often don't recognize its absolute truth, or even pay attention to our feelings.  We are, as humans, by nature, unsure and unaware of so much. So very much that we forget that we can ask the same Being who has the answers, because by His Spirit, that same being, the words of the Prophets of old were written.
Without a doubt, the Gospel has been restored.   Don't doubt, just believe, and ask Him –“What if it is all true?”   If it is, read Matthew 12:21 and ask Him for yourself. 

This week went by very fast. It was great. I enjoyed the exchange with Elder S.   I was inspired, in fact, because he is taking some time in the field, new to the language, but does not prevent, and teaches very well. Work with a desire and fire that encouraged me.
I had a little time to be 'Trunky' for a few minutes when a member let me play his guitar when we were waiting for our research to the member's home.   I'm fine.
We had 3 come to church.  One that has a baptism date, one that wants to be baptized but lives away, and one that is a reference that wants to be baptized too.
I'm thinking about how I can help people feel more comfortable and see that the Gospel really applies to their lives.  Instead of just talking and make an appointment, I help them think, and at least consider what we are saying and that it is something that applies to their lives, even when we talk to them at the door or on the street. That's a goal that I have now.

I love you all.  I hope you have an awesome week.  Ciao.

- Élder Cattron

Saturday, June 1, 2013

This awesome area is super flat

Got transferred from Hope (Esperanza) to Lower Company (La Compania Baja)
My new companion is awesome.  He’s from Honduras and even cooler, he lived in the US 10 years so he also speaks English.  He has a good sense of humor.  He is also the District Leader.   I feel that we are going to have a super good companionship.   He teaches very well and we are trying to work together in unity.  I know I’m a quiet person at first when I meet people but he is making me speak to them.  I’m learning I have more to say than I thought.  I just need to open my mouth more.
We live in an apartment with 4 of us Elders because our apartment is being changed or fixed, I don’t remember.  It’s super fun but hard to be punctual to studies and everything since there’s only 1 shower.  We are painting the apartment because it’s old and ugly like that dog I wanted to get a photo of in my last area but never got to because he kept hiding.   People are friendly here.    The people are a lot more open to talking than in the USA.  It makes it really fun to talk to people in the street because you can joke with them a lot easier and they’ll actually smile.  Not much different from the USA, based on where I’ve been so far.  Chile is as close to home as I can tell.  The ward is amazing.  We took a lady to church and the members and leaders said Hello and talked with her.  They gave her a warm welcome.  She said she is always going to attend because she feels comfortable and happy. 
Happy birthday to my awesome nephew.  I wish I could remember the birthdays better for everyone.  Sorry to everyone who I haven’t said Happy Birthday to…I still love ya.
To my sister in law: I’m always hot.  But Chile is cold and it’s cramping my style.  I complain during the summer and the winter…but I still really like it, so I don’t know why I complain. 
To my brother R-----d: You must have been with me in my last area.  It was pure “stairs” and it drove me nuts.  My knees were killing me but I didn’t want to complain much so I stayed quiet about it most of the time.  Finally I was told we were supposed to tell the mission president things so I put it in my letter.  I got sent to this awesome area that is super flat.  I feel like a wuss, but at least I can focus more on the work and not on my knee pain.
Dad: I sure miss you.  Thank you for everything you’ve done and do for helping me so much with everything in life.  What is this thing you wrote about using a notebook while we sleep?  Does the Spirit tell us things while we sleep and before and after our sleep?
Wow, the time went fast on the computer today.  Here’s a few pictures for  ya’ll.
Love you,   
Elder Cattron
Eating at Mc Donalds. It was 6 american dollars for a tiny burger and fries and drink. And they didn't have ice cream!

Awesome fountain - Elder S----g's and me at the fountain

This is our tiny study room in the apartment that we share with the other 2 Elders. We basically live in there and it's a pain.  Haha but It's super fun.

Listening with love

I feel pretty good. Sometimes I have pain in my knee from all the stairs and hills.  Other than that, everything is great.  This week I learned what I can do to be a better companion.  I was talking to Elder G---a of the need to listen.  What I need to do is ask people how they really are, learn more from their lives.  I already love them, but did not know how to show it.   Moroni 8:16.    And in the same verse, this is true also:  ...And I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do."   The missionary's interest can help a lot. I learned that we have to do it always. But more importantly than listening is listening with love. I'll keep doing it and learning more about it.

[From Mom: Is it getting “COLD” there yet?  ]   I just might need some warm wool socks. It´s actually pretty cold here in our pension every night. Who woulda thought it?

[From Mom: The new Branch President for the Singles is President J.R. Dalton.]   
J.R.!  Yeah!!! What a cool guy.... po. 
Here are some photos.

Elder Cattron the VI.

Bad haircut
A couple new friends

A nice fountain

A gentle feeling started to enter my chest

Dad,  Thank you for the letter and thoughts.  I will keep it in mind and try to remember it whenever I am walking in the street looking for people.
One contact we taught finished the discussions but we had to send him to the other missionaries where he went.   I read that scripture every once in a while and realize as we do the work the Lord blesses us.
My pants are okay…I’ll just deal with it I suppose.  Haha.   (weightloss)
The Bread, even the “worst” kind is super good.    There are breads that are like French bread from Super 1 and the others are awesome cracker looking breads that work perfectly with Salsa and Dipping things.
Dog bites…if you are talking about the missionaries, we have to get a bunch of shots.  But the owner has to pay money and is always in the wrong even if the person was teasing or putting their face in the dog’s face and “asking” to get bit for it.
Tr----Chile is still a boiling mixing melting pot of people.  A lot of people I talk to say that I’m tall –and beautiful, but we all know that’s because I’m American and they all think Americans are beautiful.  The girls in the street actually call the missionaries “Bon o Bones” like the candy (Bon o Bons), and the humor comes from that whole…completely true Bonito aspect.
Some Senior missionaries here have to deal with finding new apartments or closing apartments of missionaries.   I say “deal with” because a lot of missionaries do a lot of things without thinking, like using tape on the wallpaper…we all know what happens with that.
Fleas are ok-ish.  I’m still frustrated with them, but I’m just figuring out how to ignore them.  I would like to try the flea powder thing, but our DL says we only have issues because we have carpet instead of a hard floor.
I did have a blister at one point but the moleskin worked for 3-4 days.  It’s calloused now.
My health is ok.  Recently I’ve been feeling slightly light headed for no reason, but I think I just need to drink more water (?)   I also feel like I’m just complaining as I battle the “natural man’s desire” to just sit down on a couch.
[From Mom’s letter:  “Some thought that came into my mind today when I was listening to you.   I think you were expressing that you have started to “forget” what it’s like to be back home.  Maybe you didn’t say that but I thought I heard it.  My answer to that is “Don’t worry about forgetting about home.”  It’s okay.”  So, don’t worry about forgetting home and what it’s like to be there.  It will take care of itself.  Just enjoy the time while you are out there.  You have been given a privilege and great opportunity to take a “time out” and devote yourself to serving God , serving the Chileans and serving your future self.  And we are proud of you.  Time flies doesn’t it!   And you have been gone 6 months!   I can’t believe it—can you?]  
Thank you Mom. You're right, I didn't say that, but that is one of the things on my mind.  I'm not a person to get homesick, but I am a person to get distracted.  I wish I could do better at focusing in every moment.  SIX MONTHS? November, December, January, February, March, April, May... What in the world? I keep on telling everyone here 4 months whenever we talk about how long I've been in Chile. I didn't remember until just now that I was also in the MTC for 2 of them. Wow. Missions go even faster than I was thinking when I said that.
I have 5 minutes. I want to share a thought really quick.  This is a journal entry I wrote about 3 days ago:  "I think today we woke up 12 minutes late, realizing the alarm clock didn't go off.  It was very sad.  We want to be obedient, and we're just hurting ourselves and our investigators when we're not.  I spent most of that morning feeling terrible for such a small crime, but a big one as a missionary...  But then we started studies.   I was 12 minutes late to those also.  Rushed and feeling terrible, and repenting silently, I got down on my knees.   Everything Changed.  I started thinking of the Savior. Walking with Him.  A gentle feeling started to enter my chest and even down my spine. With several minutes passing by, I saw more and more blessings sneaking into my eyes as I prayed with my eyes partially open.  My nametag.  "... I couldn't have done it without The Savior's help, and the power of prayer.  Then pictures of my family brought my attention. Where would I be without them? Where would I be without their examples and love in my life?  Even now, where everything seems so simple, I wouldn't be able to have this..."  "...I want to serve with that same strength. I want to give my all... and it's hard.  But I know I can do it.   I've seen it once before.   Todo es posible..."   I love you all. Pray lots this week and seek that guidance that only our Father in Heaven can provide. 

Work hard everyone. Don't forget to smile :o)

“I can’t believe this is real.”

May 4 2013 – May 6 2013.   These emails weren’t much of an informative letter.   We were getting situated for the privilege of Skyping on the following Sunday for Mother’s Day.   This is how it looked in the emails back and forth that day…..
Email from Mom:  Dear Elder Cattron:  I will try to practice Skyping but if things don’t work out when you try to Skype with us, please have a “backup” plan.   Let us know exactly what you plan so that we can be ready.   Here’s our schedule….OUR best time will be between 1:00 and 6:00 YOUR time.    (If you really are only two hours different in time.  I think I have that right.)   1.  Are you calling us on Skype or 2. Do we call you?  3.  The email we will use is “r…….com”.  4.  What is your phone number? It would be good to have it even if we don’t need it.  5.  You know our phone number. 6.  Let us know about what time you think you will contact us and it’s easier for us to be waiting. 7.  We love you.   So, until tomorrow on email….Good night!  Love Mom and Dad.   (())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())
·         ‏From  Jonathan Cattron 10:14 AM    5-6-13      
· Mom  Picture of Jonathan Cattron   Mom Hey if you´re on (the computer) say hello right now. gotta talk about skype.  What time you getting home from church    430pm chile time is my time.  i´m getting on the computer at 430 chile time making that 230 your time.  It is currently 12.35pm here
·         Re: mom‏   Picture of Jonathan Cattron  
1.  Are you calling us on Skype or  …
Elder Cattron:  don´t know. I´ll be on though around that time.
2. Do we call you?  
Elder Cattron:  Whichever. There´s a chat istn´t there?
3.  The email we will use is “r………….com”    
Elder Cattron:  Already added you.
4.  What is your phone number? It would be good to have it even if we don’t need it.
Elder Cattron:  What phone number? 
5.  You know our phone number.  
Elder Cattron:  Yeah but I can´t call
7.  We love you.    
Elder Cattron:   I know. I love you too.


·         RE: mom‏   5/06/13    To: Elder Cattron  From Mom….


(())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())         Re: mom‏  From Elder Cattron     10:45 AM  5-6-13
Picture of Jonathan Cattron   You´re talking in all caps. 

·         RE: mom‏    From Mom:  5/06/13    To: Elder Cattron

YEAH, SO....?
·         Re: mom‏   From Elder Cattron:    10:45 AM   5-6-13
To: Mom  Picture of Jonathan Cattron 

Sure love you mom.  Didn´t write much this time. but still. all good.  Elder Cattron
·         (())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())(())(())(()(())(())(()(())  
·         Re: 11:00 AM   5-6-13     To Mom   Picture of Jonathan Cattron
12:19 PM   Monday, May 6, 2013 (CLT)   Time in Viña del Mar
10:19 AM    Monday, May 6, 2013 (MDT)  Time in Kalispell, MT, USA
Dear Elder Cattron:   On the video, one of your cousin “L…n’s brothers’ voices was heard to say: “I can’t believe this is real.”    Ha, I think it sounded like Ryan.    (Referring to her marriage.)
Elder Cattron:   That´s basically every day here in the mission... (I can’t believe this is real.)… hahaha