Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dec 27 2012 - 2nd letter today

·         okay.‏
 (2nd letter of the day)    3:28 PM     12/27/2012

    Alright -  I have a few things to address here. And I'm planning to stick as closely as I can to my thirty minutes as possible, so mom - please correct most of the grammar so I don't seem uneducated.
    First and most importantly - Happy week late birthday to Mom.  I kept on forgetting when I had time to write.  And sorry that the Happy Birthday is in an email—but I guess that just means I'm working hard.  Mom I love you. And I'm thankful for everything you've done for me. I doubt I could have made it this far without you or dad.
    And while I'm on the subject, This family is amazing, including the in-laws, and I love you all.
Christmas was fantastic. We got to have Elder Russell M. Nelson speak to us. You can really feel... something... in the room when he comes in.  I really like what his wife said as introduction to him - she talked about how we have  "Spiritual Gift Cards", and they have infinite money on them.  We just have to ask the Lord through prayer, and he will help.
    Thank you for all the letters and things--especially the Christmas gifts.  And the Singles Branch's awesome box of cheer.   It certainly did.  Someone sent me some acrylic paint [thanks Rich] in neon colors. I painted one of my white ties with it [The one that isn't able to go in water].  It was really fun.  Now it's able to glow in the dark... I tried putting it on my nametag so it would say ELDER TRON at night, but the green was very visible, so maybe a different color.  I scraped most of it off.
Alright - Very simple favor, but huge in my book - If mom or trav or someone! could get on my computer or get Siostra Allen's Mission home or current mission address, that would help tons. I'm almost finished writing a letter, but it's not exactly going to get there if I don't know where to send it.......
    Anyways - Being a Zone Leader is kind of fun, but It's driving me nuts.  We are just so busy walking everywhere for random things that we never have time to have companion study and prepare our lessons... We kind of just go by faith... but that's cool I guess.  It keeps things interesting.  It encourages us to ask questions to know what they actually need help with.  Then we got that new district, and they're doing well.  In my opinion, they're more mature than we were.
Still don't have the belt...
    Dan Busick, I cannot come home just because you love me, although I miss you very much—and all the rest of the Flathead Valley Branch singles.
    Oh and we had Greg Olson! That was rad! He had some really cool points about the savior. Thank goodness for him (Savior).
One thing I learned this week that has made a huge difference in my attitude and everything needed for missionary work.  That is: "You're not tired enough."  This sentence is kind of useless without understanding the rest of it.  -- It's week 6+... this is the point where most missionaries slow down and relax, not progressing as quickly as the first few weeks, then freak out at week 9, and cram in what they don't feel like they know.   A few days ago I thought about my promise to myself to work with all my strength, for I know that this work is true and important.  I wondered why I wasn't tired like the first 5 weeks or so. . . then I really looked deeper at my work, and I haven't even been keeping my own commitments... That being figured out, I talked with my companion and we have decided to use every moment—even standing by the bathrooms or in lines—for something meaningful that prepares us for the work.  We discuss things about our investigators as we're walking, and small little pieces that will significantly add up as time goes on. "When you feel like you probably won't wake up the next morning, that's when you know it's been a good day..." We can always challenge ourselves and work harder.  Struggle builds strength.
So yeah.  I love you all.
     I keep intending to tell my story about my "almost ending up in Minnesota plane ride"... sorry. Sometime I’ll do it...
    I encourage everyone to develop questions to help you learn this week for any church meetings or studies that you have and to pray that they can be answered in some way that can be personally meaningful to you.  It really makes the difference between a mediocre meeting and "the best meeting I've ever had."  In other words - it's entirely what you make of it.  I promise that your questions will be answered.  But always have patience for your answers, for a clear mind can make more use of the things you hear.

Love ya'll
-Elder Cattron VI

Dec 27 - first letter

·         These computers.  
8:53 AM    Dec 27 2012

So yeah. This is what I have been working on for the past 10 minutes of extra time...trying to copy and paste this in something.  I hate these computers--they are annoying. 

This is just something extra I wanted to share.
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin taught:
“We will have genuine joy and happiness only as we learn patience.
“Dictionaries define patience in such terms as bearing pain or sorrow calmly or without complaint; not being hasty or impetuous; being steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity. …
“… I believe that a lack of patience is a major cause of the difficulties and unhappiness in the world today.  Too often, we are impatient with ourselves, with our family members and friends, and even with the Lord. We seem to demand what we want right now, regardless of whether we have earned it, whether it would be good for us, or whether it is right. …
“We should learn to be patient with ourselves. Recognizing our strengths and our weaknesses, we should strive to use good judgment in all of our choices and decisions, make good use of every opportunity, and do our best in every task we undertake. We should not be unduly discouraged nor in despair at any time when we are doing the best we can. Rather, we should be satisfied with our progress even though it may come slowly at times” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1987

So I add: keep on working even if it's slow and doesn't seem to be getting you to where you want to be...

Elder Cattron

Christmas 2012

·         Christmas‏
Jonathan Cattron    3:28 PM     12/25/2012 everyone.
    Quickly thinking abstractly, and focusing on the word Christmas - I'm going Spanish speaking, which makes me think of the "mas" part of Christmas.  Christ is the focus of the Gospel and Plan of God, and during Christmas, we tend to think even more about our Savior.
The presidency of the MTC has asked us to write home about our feelings of Christmas and our thoughts on the reason of Christ[mas].
     It's very interesting how often we tend to forget about the Savior and the blessing we receive from the Atonement—the sacrifice that Christ made for us both suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross, in our day to day life.  Being here in the MTC, I have realized that I haven't been as grateful as I could have been, because now I am truly searching for everything that I can to be truly ready to bring others unto Christ.  Through the Atonement, we realize that Christ knows exactly how we feel because he experienced it in the Garden.
    That being said, he not only knows the struggles, but he also knows the happiness and things that we CAN experience. He knows where we must go to obtain who we need to become.  In these short 6 weeks, I have seen the effects of prayer and scriptures.  I know that we can be shown and feel what we need to do if we pray. I have found support in the exact moment of need through the Holy Spirit.  I know that God loves us and wants us to be happy, but most importantly, wants us to have everything that He has.
    I don't have any more time - But I want everyone to know that WHATEVER position you are in for this life, we just need to get down on our knees and pray.  I know that He will help you if you have HOPE, and continue to hope and believe that He has the ability to support us in our trials.
    I love you all. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and think of your family or future family, and never forget who you can become.
    Remember - He is always there.  All we need to do is--knock. I challenge you to pray if you have not recently, or to try if you never have before.  And if you pray often, try it out loud. I have noticed the difference...
 With Love,
Elder Cattron

Dec 20, 2012

·         This is it!‏      Jonathan Cattron     2:17 PM    Dec 20th   2012 
    Oh boy, this has been an eventful 170 hours since the last email.  First off, I just want to say that we are now the oldest group of Elders in the Zone, meaning that several changes have been made to leadership positions.  Elder Arbon is no longer the District leader, Elder Anderson is.  Also we have new Zone Leaders, which are Elder Arbon and Elder Cattron. Oh wait. I know those guys...
    It is super busy all of the time now.  I thought it was constant rush before, but now I realize that I should have figured out that's classified as murmuring, so now I'm being humbled.  We go get the mail for the newest district [who actually has an Elder Bednar in it... and yes, he is related to our wonderful Elder David A. Bednar...] and we also get the mail for the 3 sisters who are still here from the older district. One is still waiting on a visa or she'd be gone already... Aye! I feel for her.  I'm already kind of trunky for Chile, but I don't let it distract me too much because I still love it here in the MTC.
    We've gotten to the point that we can help our investigators [Gaby and Belen] and speak to them and express ourselves without much beating around the bush from lack of vocabulary.  And we have another baptismal date [Gaby], and hopefully one more with Belen within the next couple lessons.
Let's see... I still miss Elder Dykstra. Claro. He's the bomb. Speaking of which I should write him a letter.
    Also I want to say thank you to the Flathead Valley Branch folks for the awesome package and card. It made my day. I ate most of the chocolate already...and speaking of weight, I have in fact gained 15 pounds here in the MTC.  I still haven't figured out if it's always from the previous meal or actually unneeded weight.  I remain hopeful that it is just muscle... and clothes.  Haha.  But they say in Chile, the Elders always lose weight from their funky eating schedules, which I'm sure at some point I'll write about.
    For our Spanish speaking, I have a lot of practice now... It's wild how far we have progressed.  In one of the lessons I taught about Nephi breaking the cords through God's power and his faith and praying in Spanish and then how it relates to our ability to have this same strength through trials if we have faith in Heavenly Father.
    I have a million letters piling up, but I'm doing my best to respond.  I hope everyone can have patience while I am obedient and make sure work comes first.
    I also want to give a million thank you's to MOM for the pillow cases. They're rad.   Naturally, I'm going to be using the “Chicken” one-- like every day.
Trav! Love you, my brother! Thanks for the “ DearElder” letter.  Glad to hear about the things that are going on.  I would love basically any picture that's appropriate for the MTC.  Super Heros are fine, just as long as I wouldn't be embarrassed to explain them to President Swenson if he came in. Really anything would make me happy.   If you can do one of Raphael the Ninja turtle, that'd be cool.
    There has been a few pranks going on as well like alarm clocks being moved to funny places, but since Elder Arbon became District leader and then us as Zone leaders, we were able to get that sorted out. I might add more of that later as well--I don't want the MTC to sound like it's all about having a good time.
This work is progressing, and the missionaries are learning fast.  I am so happy to be a part of the Lord's work.  Without doubt, I know that the Gospel is true, and that the Priesthood has been restored. I know this because every time I pray, or study, or testify in my heart, or out loud to someone, the Spirit is felt and it also testifies with me.  Never have that doubt, my friends, that God would not restore His work to the way it was when Christ was on the earth.  This I say with an honest and loving heart in the name of Jesus Christ.
 Love ya'll.
Elder Cattron
·         oh wait...‏
Jonathan Cattron   2:21 PM   Dec 20
                Oh and I also tried out for the Talent show by playing my song "Wherever You Go" with slightly modified lyrics.  I heard that it sounded wonderful, but as always, I don't remember.  I just remember feeling good and singing loudly...
Anyways, Time's up.  As always, Love you much. Thank you for all of your letters and things.
   By the way, I need some of the tape that Travis uses sometimes for tennis that you put on your knees, and possibly, a larger, less heavy towel…and some kind of knee pad... I was kneeling for a long prayer of someone and was actually in tears from how uncomfortable it was.
 Elder Cattron

12/06/12     Jonathan Cattron 
To: Claudia Cattron,
Just in case you are wondering - These computers don't have the ability to save or open attachments--like Microsoft word.  So I can't see these in the word document file. I also can't see the email pictures. :\ pero esta bien. 
   We are teaching teachers who take on the personality of previous investigators and some are real non-members.  They don't tell us, but sometimes if they are a teacher, they forget to take off their nametag, but they are so wonderful at being a that person, we still don't even think about it.  Right now, we are teaching Gaby, a 20 year old, and then Belen - a super cool 20-ish year old who has a baby and is Catholic. They are just our teachers this time, but they really know their investigators.  "Ana" was one of the teachers here.  She has a friend, and that was who she was acting as for us to teach.  Real investigators or no, when the Spirit is there, it is real.  And it testifies to us and our investigators that the things we teach are true.
   Thank goodness that screen door is gone from the back of the house.  It seemed only to cause us problems when it wasn't the summer. The front one is good because it's heavy and works like a dream.  Plus I love Spazzy and Scratch, and they've been good cats. They need a P-day every once in a while from all those Raccoons and protecting our house from that mean neighbor cat. Stinking thing never lets me pet him.  But
 you tell em, mom!
   I miss that homemade ice cream. It's delish. The ice cream here is always halfway melted by the time I finish eating. Plus it just gives everyone issues, and I think I'm lactose intolerant to some degree. . . never stops me from eating my cookies and milk though. Poor Elder Arbon...
   My favorite scripture is and always will be in Mosiah 7:33. It applies to a lot. I will write you soon with more on that. My laundry is done and I have to go soon.
    I'm good on stamps.  I don't know yet for the Christmas call home.  Stay alert.  
  Sorry I can't write more but I hope you're posting my wrtten letters on the blog. Tell everyone you talk to about me that I love them.
Pray hard, everyone. and remember
Somos missionarios. No estamos missionaros.
Love you.

Nov 29 2012 - Mom - I'm answering your questions in order from the email you sent. - - - I have all the shirts, suit and two pants, black slacks and shoes.  
Sister Natalie Davis - I love you too.  and the rest of your family. 
Encourage everyone you see to me. They are new to me so I think it's super cool.
 Acrylic paper--but I don't need the pad so much as a couple cool pictures printed on them to color with my black brush and black pen and everything.  It's how I relieve my stress and help myself think and relax when it gets to quiet time/ready for bed time. If Travis feels like coloring them, I'm also happy with that - they're going to end up as decoration anyway in my room in the field and residence/dorm room here.
 Haha. I remember that lady at the bank. She seemed rather interested, and I was tempted to ask her if she wanted a Book of Mormon. I was in a hurry though, otherwise It would have been more likely.  If you see her again, tell her I'm doing even better. The MTC is amazing, and that's an understatement.
Yes, I got my sunglasses and First aid. I hope I have a light enough bag for it.
 These computers drive me crazy because you can't zoom out. I like to be able to respond without scrolling up and down a lot.   And yes, I love Dear Elder cuz it comes every day and anyone who doesn't get mail gets to jokingly whine about how they never get mail.  Dear elder the things you want me to do so I can have a hard copy of it. I don't have a printer here at all.  
Our district is hilarious. just a whole group of Elders. 5 are going to Vina del Mar, and the other 4 are going to Santiago.
   I like anything here in the cafeteria. I don't eat much if it's something like steak and mash. I always go grab some toast to eat with it. It annoys me that they only have bagels in the morning. It's basically my favorite addition to a meal. I have turned everything into a sandwich. even if it has a tortilla, I sometimes use my fork and put it on the bread then eat it.
and Surprisingly, I haven't had too much of an appetite - I've had ice cream once... which is messing with my mind.  And I ate green beans... What is this place doing to me? Que es este?!
   I will share my airplane story.... if I have time.
Espanol is improving daily. Yesterday we had a full day of Spanish, and no English. It was nuts! I love this language, but it's starting to get challenging with all the future, past, and might maybe will you tenses. 
Pday is Thursday. We had no pday 2 weeks in a row, but got email time last week.
 I added the maple seed pod in my envelope because they are one of my favorite things here.  I love to see them on the ground and often pick them up and throw them so I can see them helicopter to the ground. It's very... inspirational and... soothing to me. 
The other answer is  "Life". If you read it out loud, the word EYE is no longer only Eyeball.
   I never mentioned this last week because it was before it happened -  but Elder Jeffrey R Holland came for thanksgiving devotional and spoke to us! About missionary work! It was a perfect answer to all of my prayers and really helped me find some things to help me improve. I definitely know that we have prophets on the Earth today, and that they are inspired by God because he wants us to be directed in all dispensations. THE GOSPEL HAS BEEN RESTORED. I know this because I have prayed often, and every time I pray and ask, my question is answered by a feeling of good and peace to my heart. 
My teachers are great. We have Hermana Abellan and Hermana Wilding. Abellan is quiet voiced, but STRONG in words. She is a native spanish speaker and sometimes struggles with English, but she speaks with spirit that I can really feel.  I wrote her a letter in Spanish thanking her for all of her work and preparation and love for us as 'students'.  There is never a time that thanks are pointless. Everyone loves to hear that they are appreciated, and I'm doing my best to help them know that I do.  Even the words "Thank you" can brighten someone's day. I put that as one of the District goals for these 10 weeks  - "Sincerely thank your teachers and leaders [or lunchroom workers] every day."
   We also have "10 contacts per missionary per day". It's hard for me because I don't often talk to random people. I'm doing better each day though.  I met this somewhat elderly guy today at the temple named Joel.  I talked with him for a while during our breakfast there.  He lived for a bit in California somewhat close to where we lived there... Then I learned that he served in the Navy and got to know him a little better. He mentioned that he didn't serve a mission, and then went quiet. I felt sad that he felt bad for not serving one. But I let him know that we are all missionaries for life, whether we decide to serve full time missions or not. "Somos Missionaros."  Not "Estamos Missionaros".
I really liked this man and then to top it all off, he payed for my food! I was super confused though because I didn't know that we had to pay anyway, so I had to ask around if other missionaries payed then I thanked him before we left and got his name and wrote it down afterward.
  Basically, these 2 weeks have been full of wonderful experiences that I am so busy with that I don't think I've been able to write them down other than letters.  I hope everyone's been keeping them. Please do! :o)
  Anyways, my time is up.  I gotta add a few things but I don't remember what.,,,, I'll write them down and wait here's my journal.
  I need a copy of my card, that belt cuz mine's almost broken, a line of authority copy, and please it would make life better --haha - Glow in the dark paint of some kind.   :D
     I love you all, and this gospel.  I will work hard for everyone and every person who is looking for the Gospel.  
Keep on reading scriptures and praying. I know it works and you feel the spirit. 
    And as always,
Don't forget to smile.
-Elder CAtt

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Artist's signature -but I don't know if it's for the picture below.
He added this because of his reference to the Book of Mormon in his letter.

Elder Arbon and Elder Cattron  Nov 2012 at the MTC & Provo Temple 

Beautiful Provo Temple

[POSTMARK:   21 November 2012  1 PM]

Mama y Papa, Y todas personas y amigos 
Travis, Hanna, Tom, Monique, Jared, Chad, Richard, Jenn, Lynn, Kaylynn,
Today marks semana UNO!  (of ten)    :o
                The last few days have been great!   The MTC is busy for us, but I really like everything that we do.  Today marks 1 week.   Elder Arbon and I are basically perfect first companions.    He and I are very similar in thought & personality.  Because we seem to have similar weaknesses and strengths, we are able to watch each other’s work & spirit & language progress quickly due to figuring (struggling) out what works best in communicating.  We are both very quiet when thinking so it’s hard to tell what is happening & the other is thinking.
                --We got our first commitment to be baptized!  Ana is a mother of 5 children & Evangelist.  She (today) agreed t be baptized on Dec. 16 &….the lesson was….powerful.
Never forget the blessings of the Spirit & Always desire to find them through faith, diligence, and worthiness.
                I know that the Gospel is true and that we are all searching for the things of Christ.  The Gospel HAS been restored.  I know that if you pray in faith to know if it is true or that the Book of Mormon is true, you WILL receive an answer, and feel that it is Good.  I know that when faith & obedience are exercised, miracles happen.
                I know this because I was struggling with Spanish.  In my lessons, I never knew what to say.  But I prayed and asked for the faith & help to speak the things that the Spirit wants me to say.  I did not have all of the words, but I know that the Spirit was able to make up the rest and I was able to tell !a story!...en Espanol!
                I can’t believe it has only been a week.  We’ve progressed so much!  I guess that this is just a testimony of how with Christ, the Spirit and a relationship with Them and The Father can bring all things to be.  Miracles happen.  I know these things are true.
                I love all of you and I know that we can know all the things we must do if we pray & listen to the spirit.  These 2 years will be a lot of work but they will be easy.  Not because I’m not nervous, but because I now know that with and through the things of the Father, and los bendiciones de obediencia y El Espiritu Santo, todos cosas son posibles.

Keep on praying, my  friends.
Heavenly Father loves you and
Wants you to have a relationship with Him.
Otra vez, Yo dijo, “Les Amo!”  : )
                                                                                      Elder Cattron
                                                                                      (Ell – dare-eh  Caht – throne)
PS:  (Note: Can I get some or all of my acrylic paper?)
                [Elder Cattron added a piece of paper with the following riddle:]
I wrote this in the shower one day thinking about riddles and Jesus’ Parable (metaphor) of riches.
Write me!  Tell me if you think you know!  (There are 2 answers.)

To feel the end of me
Is never wanted to have been,
And through me, many
Eyes have seen.
For me, many men have sook
(But rarely find)

But the one eye
That have I….
Could never be to look.

What am I?