Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dec 27 2012 - 2nd letter today

·         okay.‏
 (2nd letter of the day)    3:28 PM     12/27/2012

    Alright -  I have a few things to address here. And I'm planning to stick as closely as I can to my thirty minutes as possible, so mom - please correct most of the grammar so I don't seem uneducated.
    First and most importantly - Happy week late birthday to Mom.  I kept on forgetting when I had time to write.  And sorry that the Happy Birthday is in an email—but I guess that just means I'm working hard.  Mom I love you. And I'm thankful for everything you've done for me. I doubt I could have made it this far without you or dad.
    And while I'm on the subject, This family is amazing, including the in-laws, and I love you all.
Christmas was fantastic. We got to have Elder Russell M. Nelson speak to us. You can really feel... something... in the room when he comes in.  I really like what his wife said as introduction to him - she talked about how we have  "Spiritual Gift Cards", and they have infinite money on them.  We just have to ask the Lord through prayer, and he will help.
    Thank you for all the letters and things--especially the Christmas gifts.  And the Singles Branch's awesome box of cheer.   It certainly did.  Someone sent me some acrylic paint [thanks Rich] in neon colors. I painted one of my white ties with it [The one that isn't able to go in water].  It was really fun.  Now it's able to glow in the dark... I tried putting it on my nametag so it would say ELDER TRON at night, but the green was very visible, so maybe a different color.  I scraped most of it off.
Alright - Very simple favor, but huge in my book - If mom or trav or someone! could get on my computer or get Siostra Allen's Mission home or current mission address, that would help tons. I'm almost finished writing a letter, but it's not exactly going to get there if I don't know where to send it.......
    Anyways - Being a Zone Leader is kind of fun, but It's driving me nuts.  We are just so busy walking everywhere for random things that we never have time to have companion study and prepare our lessons... We kind of just go by faith... but that's cool I guess.  It keeps things interesting.  It encourages us to ask questions to know what they actually need help with.  Then we got that new district, and they're doing well.  In my opinion, they're more mature than we were.
Still don't have the belt...
    Dan Busick, I cannot come home just because you love me, although I miss you very much—and all the rest of the Flathead Valley Branch singles.
    Oh and we had Greg Olson! That was rad! He had some really cool points about the savior. Thank goodness for him (Savior).
One thing I learned this week that has made a huge difference in my attitude and everything needed for missionary work.  That is: "You're not tired enough."  This sentence is kind of useless without understanding the rest of it.  -- It's week 6+... this is the point where most missionaries slow down and relax, not progressing as quickly as the first few weeks, then freak out at week 9, and cram in what they don't feel like they know.   A few days ago I thought about my promise to myself to work with all my strength, for I know that this work is true and important.  I wondered why I wasn't tired like the first 5 weeks or so. . . then I really looked deeper at my work, and I haven't even been keeping my own commitments... That being figured out, I talked with my companion and we have decided to use every moment—even standing by the bathrooms or in lines—for something meaningful that prepares us for the work.  We discuss things about our investigators as we're walking, and small little pieces that will significantly add up as time goes on. "When you feel like you probably won't wake up the next morning, that's when you know it's been a good day..." We can always challenge ourselves and work harder.  Struggle builds strength.
So yeah.  I love you all.
     I keep intending to tell my story about my "almost ending up in Minnesota plane ride"... sorry. Sometime I’ll do it...
    I encourage everyone to develop questions to help you learn this week for any church meetings or studies that you have and to pray that they can be answered in some way that can be personally meaningful to you.  It really makes the difference between a mediocre meeting and "the best meeting I've ever had."  In other words - it's entirely what you make of it.  I promise that your questions will be answered.  But always have patience for your answers, for a clear mind can make more use of the things you hear.

Love ya'll
-Elder Cattron VI

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